Effect of psycho-social support by teachers on improving mental health and hope of adolescents in an earthquake-affected district in Nepal: A cluster randomized controlled trial

Rolina Dhital, Akira Shibanuma, Moe Miyaguchi, Junko Kiriya, Masamine Jimba, Rolina Dhital, Akira Shibanuma, Moe Miyaguchi, Junko Kiriya, Masamine Jimba


Introduction: Adolescents can be prone to mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression following disasters. School teachers can provide timely psycho-social support that could instill hope and improve mental health among adolescents in a post-earthquake situation in a low-resource setting. This study examined the effect of training for school teachers on psycho-social support on adolescents' mental health and hope in an earthquake affected district in Nepal.

Methods: This cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted in 15 schools in Dhading, a severely affected district by the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. The schools were randomized, as a result, 8 were in the intervention group and 7 in the control group. A total of 1,220 adolescents were recruited at baseline of which 605 adolescents belonged to intervention group and 615 to control group. The follow-up rate at 6 months was 83%. This trial was registered with Clinicaltrials.gov with registration number NCT03387007.

Results: The intervention did not show significant effects for PTSD symptoms (Intervention*time, β = 0.33, p = 0.536), depression symptoms (Intervention*time, β = 0.30, p = 0.249), and hope (Intervention*time, β = -0.23, p = 0.588), among the adolescents at 6 months follow-up.

Conclusion: The intervention did not improve mental health symptoms and hope among adolescents at 6 months follow-up. More focused and longer training could be necessary to address mental health among adolescents affected by earthquake. Additionally, longer follow-up could be necessary to assess the changes taking place over time.

Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03387007.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. CONSORT flow chart.
Fig 1. CONSORT flow chart.


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