Living conditions, HIV and gender affirmation care pathways of transgender people living with HIV in France: a nationwide, comprehensive, cross-sectional, community-based research protocol (ANRS Trans&HIV)

Marion Mora, Giovanna Rincon, Michel Bourrelly, Gwenaëlle Maradan, Anaenza Freire Maresca, Florence Michard, Elisabeth Rouveix, Julie Pannetier, Diane Leriche, Tristan Alain, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, David Michels, Bruno Spire, Marion Mora, Giovanna Rincon, Michel Bourrelly, Gwenaëlle Maradan, Anaenza Freire Maresca, Florence Michard, Elisabeth Rouveix, Julie Pannetier, Diane Leriche, Tristan Alain, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, David Michels, Bruno Spire


Introduction: Transgender identity is poorly accepted in France, and data on living conditions and the daily difficulties transgender people encounter are scarce. This lack of data reinforces their invisibility in social life, contributes to their stigmatisation and probably increases the burden of HIV infection, especially for HIV-positive transgender people (TRHIV). The main objective of the community-based research study ANRS Trans&HIV is to identify personal and social situations of vulnerability in TRHIV, the obstacles they encounter in terms of access to and retention in medical care, and their gender affirmation and HIV care needs.

Methods and analysis: ANRS Trans&HIV is a national, comprehensive, cross-sectional survey of all TRHIV currently being followed in HIV care units in France. TRHIV women are exclusively included in the quantitative component, and TRHIV men in the qualitative component. Data are collected by community-based interviewers and will be analysed to explore patient care pathways and living conditions in the TRHIV population with regard to gender affirmation and HIV. Data collection began in October 2020 and should be completed in December 2021. The statistical analyses techniques used will be adapted to each of the study's objectives and to the type of data collected (cross-sectional (questionnaires) and retrospective (biographical trajectory)). The study's results will provide a greater understanding of TRHIV health needs in order to suggest possible national recommendations for comprehensive HIV and gender affirmation medical care.

Ethics and dissemination: ANRS Trans&HIV was approved by Inserm's Ethical Evaluation Committee (no 20-694 on 12 May 2020) and is registered with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty under number 2518030720. Potential participants are informed about the study through an information note provided by their attending HIV physician. All results published in peer-reviewed journals will be disseminated to the HIV transgender community, institutional stakeholders and healthcare providers.

Trial registration number: NCT04849767.

Keywords: HIV & AIDS; epidemiology; public health.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


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