Review of the current empirical literature on using videoconferencing to deliver individual psychotherapies to adults with mental health problems

Neil Thomas, Caity McDonald, Kathleen de Boer, Rachel M Brand, Maja Nedeljkovic, Liz Seabrook, Neil Thomas, Caity McDonald, Kathleen de Boer, Rachel M Brand, Maja Nedeljkovic, Liz Seabrook


Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a widespread adoption of videoconferencing as a communication medium in mental health service delivery. This review considers the empirical literature to date on using videoconferencing to deliver psychological therapy to adults presenting with mental health problems.

Method: Papers were identified via search of relevant databases. Quantitative and qualitative data were extracted and synthesized on uptake, feasibility, outcomes, and participant and therapist experiences.

Results: Videoconferencing has an established evidence base in the delivery of cognitive behavioural therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, with prolonged exposure, cognitive processing therapy, and behavioural activation non-inferior to in-person delivery. There are large trials reporting efficacy for health anxiety and bulimia nervosa compared with treatment-as-usual. Initial studies show applicability of cognitive behavioural therapies for other anxiety and eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, but there has yet to be study of use in severe and complex mental health problems. Therapists may find it more difficult to judge non-verbal behaviour, and there may be initial discomfort while adapting to videoconferencing, but client ratings of the therapeutic alliance are similar to in-person therapy, and videoconferencing may have advantages such as being less confronting. There may be useful opportunities for videoconferencing in embedding therapy delivery within the client's own environment.

Conclusions: Videoconferencing is an accessible and effective modality for therapy delivery. Future research needs to extend beyond testing whether videoconferencing can replicate in-person therapy delivery to consider unique therapeutic affordances of the videoconferencing modality.

Practitioner points: Videoconferencing is an efficacious means of delivering behavioural and cognitive therapies to adults with mental health problems. Trial evidence has established it is no less efficacious than in-person therapy for prolonged exposure, cognitive processing therapy, and behavioural activation. While therapists report nonverbal feedback being harder to judge, and clients can take time to adapt to videoconferencing, clients rate the therapeutic alliance and satisfaction similarly to therapy in-person. Videoconferencing provides opportunities to integrate therapeutic exercises within the person's day-to-day environment.

Keywords: cognitive behavioural therapy; telehealth; telemental health; videoconferencing psychotherapy.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors declare no conflict of interest.

© 2021 The Authors. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Psychological Society.


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