Enhancing linkage and retention in HIV care: a review of interventions for highly resourced and resource-poor settings

N Lance Okeke, Jan Ostermann, Nathan M Thielman, N Lance Okeke, Jan Ostermann, Nathan M Thielman


Given the widespread availability of effective antiretroviral therapy, engagement of HIV-infected persons in care is a global priority. We reviewed 51 studies, published in the past decade, assessing strategies for improving linkage to and retention in HIV care. The review included studies from highly resourced settings (HRS) and resource-poor settings (RPS), specifically the USA and sub-Saharan Africa. In HRS, strength-based case management was best supported for improving linkage and retention in care; peer navigation and clinic-based health promotion were supported for improving retention. In RPS, point of care CD4 testing was best supported for improving linkage to care; decentralization, and task-shifting for improving retention. Novel interventions continue to emerge in HRS and RPS, yet many strategies have not been adequately evaluated. Further consideration should be given to analyses that identify which interventions, or combinations of interventions, are most effective, cost-effective, scalable, and aligned with patient preferences for HIV care.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest N. Lance Okeke and Jan Ostermann declare that they have no conflict of interest.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
“Treatment cascade” in highly resourced and resource-poor settings and interventions to improve engagement in care

Source: PubMed
