Disruption of saccadic adaptation with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the posterior cerebellum in humans

Ned Jenkinson, R Chris Miall, Ned Jenkinson, R Chris Miall


Saccadic eye movements are driven by motor commands that are continuously modified so that errors created by eye muscle fatigue, injury, or-in humans-wearing spectacles can be corrected. It is possible to rapidly adapt saccades in the laboratory by introducing a discrepancy between the intended and actual saccadic target. Neurophysiological and lesion studies in the non-human primate as well as neuroimaging and patient studies in humans have demonstrated that the oculomotor vermis (lobules VI and VII of the posterior cerebellum) is critical for saccadic adaptation. We studied the effect of transiently disrupting the function of posterior cerebellum with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on the ability of healthy human subjects to adapt saccadic eye movements. rTMS significantly impaired the adaptation of the amplitude of saccades, without modulating saccadic amplitude or variability in baseline conditions. Moreover, increasing the intensity of rTMS produced a larger impairment in the ability to adapt saccadic size. These results provide direct evidence for the role of the posterior cerebellum in man and further evidence that TMS can modulate cerebellar function.


Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Site of rTMS stimulation. MRIs of two of the subjects in the study showing the site stimulated; the white crosshairs represent the intended target of stimulation. Note the position of the visual cortex in relation to the inion. There is a 5-cm white scale bar to the left side of each image
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Individual and mean results of the three groups performing the saccadic adaptation task. The line plots on the right-hand side of each panel show the mean saccadic amplitude of the 10 pre-adaptation baseline saccades made to a 16° target and the mean saccadic amplitude of the last 10 saccades of the adaptation experiment; error bars represent the standard error of the means. The scatter plots on the left of each panel represent the trial-by-trial amplitude of the primary reactive saccade for each individual in the group, after exclusion of outliers. Different symbols are used for each participant in each group. The left-most data are for baseline trial symbol in which participants moved towards static targets; the central data points are the primary saccades made by each individual during the time course of 100 adaptive trials. Horizontal dotted lines indicate the amplitude of the ideal initial and final saccades


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