Clinical practice. The care of children with Down syndrome

Michel E Weijerman, J Peter de Winter, Michel E Weijerman, J Peter de Winter


Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities. Because of medical advances and improvements in overall medical care, the median survival of individuals with DS has increased considerably. This longer life expectancy requires giving the necessary care to the individual with DS over their total longer lifespan. DS medical guidelines are designed for the optimal care of the child in whom a diagnosis of DS has been confirmed. We present an overview of the most important issues related to children with DS based on the most relevant literature currently available.


Fig 1
Fig 1
A 4-year-old boy with Down syndrome
Fig 2
Fig 2
A 2-year-old girl with Down syndrome
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Transverse line in the palm of the hand (“Simian fold”)
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Brushfield spots
Fig 5
Fig 5
Valgus posture of the ankle and pes planus, a typical example of joint laxity


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