Simbec-Orion's office in France

Business Address: Centre d’ affaires La Boursidière,Bâtiment le Jura, 2ème ètage,BP 141,92375 Le Plessis Robinson cedex

Phone: 33 (0) 140 834 083



Simbec-Orion was created in 2014 by the merger of two very experienced CROs: Simbec Research, a specialist CRO in Early Stage Clinical Development and Orion Clinical, the specialist CRO in Late Stage Clinical Development to create an international, full service, boutique CRO. We offer specialist expertise in oncology, rare & orphan diseases, respiratory, dermatology and infectious vaccines & diseases. As a result of the merger we offer our clients a full spectrum of drug development services from first-in-human Phase I clinical studies through to pivotal Phase III studies and Phase IV post marketing studies. We have expertise in all drug types, dosage forms and delivery mechanisms. We further support our clients’ development programmes with our in-house central laboratories (Seirian Laboratories), pharmacovigilance, data management, statistics, IMP management/pharmacy and medical management departments. The Simbec-Orion Clinical Pharmacology Campus is located in South Wales, near Cardiff; this facility houses our 58 bed Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Seirian Laboratories central pathology and bioanalytical laboratories IMP Management, plus Project Management, Data Management and Statistics. Simbec-Orion Clinical Development has offices in Greater London-UK, Paris-France, Cologne-Germany, Rome-Italy and Princeton-USA, with field based operational personnel across Europe and North America. We have conducted studies in more than 30 territories in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, the Americas and Australasia.

Simbec-Orion's locations around the world
