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Mothers in Motion Program to Prevent Weight Gain in WIC Mothers (MIM) (MIM)

2018年4月27日 更新者:Mei-Wei Chang、Ohio State University

Mothers in Motion Program to Prevent Weight Gain in Overweight/Obese WIC Mothers (MIM)

Mothers in Motion will draw on the successes of the pilot intervention of the same name and will promote healthy lifestyle behavior changes (eating more fruits and vegetables, increasing physical activity, dealing with stress) in low-income WIC mothers of young children. The intervention group's weight change (difference between the initial enrollment and 3 months post intervention) will differ from the control group's weight change by an average of at least 2.8 pounds.





Mothers in Motion will draw on the successes of the pilot intervention of the same name and will promote healthy lifestyle behavior changes (eating more fruits and vegetables, increasing physical activity, dealing with stress) in low-income WIC mothers of young children. Both treatment groups will receive usual WIC care (nutrition counseling and similar services). The control group will receive generic printed health and nutrition materials to read at their own pace if they wish. The intervention group will watch the culturally sensitive DVD chapters according to a study calendar, complete action plan worksheets, and call in to peer support group teleconferences to discuss the DVD chapter contents. The teleconferences will be led by moderators trained in motivational interviewing (MI) and group facilitation. Participants will complete phone interviews and provide body weight measurements at baseline (T1), immediately after (T2) and 3 months after (T3) the intervention time period. T3 body weight will be the primary outcome.



入学 (実際)



  • 適用できない




    • Michigan
      • East Lansing、Michigan、アメリカ、48824
        • Michigan State University
    • Ohio
      • Columbus、Ohio、アメリカ、43210
        • The Ohio State University





18年~39年 (大人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • African American or White
  • Fluent in English
  • 18-39 years old
  • At least 6 weeks postpartum
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25.0 and 39.9
  • Willing to provide address and up to 3 working phone numbers
  • Willing to update their contact information monthly
  • Willing to participate in the project for 9 months
  • Willing to make 3 additional trips to WIC clinics for weight measures
  • Working DVD player at home and access to a working phone.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Pregnant
  • MIM Pilot study participation
  • Plan to become pregnant or relocate to a location outside of study area during the trial
  • Self-reported type 1 or 2 Diabetes
  • Unable to walk more than 1 block without resting or shortness of breath.





  • 主な目的:防止
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:階乗代入
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
実験的:Lifestyle Counseling
Intervention group: in addition to usual WIC care, watch the DVDs at home, complete action plan worksheets, call in to moderated (MI) group discussions.
The intervention will determine the differential outcomes of reading generic materials versus viewing custom DVDs containing targeted health information and discussions with MI-trained moderators on weight gain prevention.
  • 動機付け面接
介入なし:No Lifestyle Counseling
Comparison group: usual WIC care; read printed materials at home



Measured Body Weight
時間枠:3 months after the 16-week intervention (T3)
measured body weight in person at WIC office
3 months after the 16-week intervention (T3)


T1 Fat Intake
self-reported fat intake behavior using Rapid Food Screener (17 items total). Responses to each fat intake item were rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (1 time or less per month) to 4 (5 or more times per week). Summed responses ranged from 0 to 68.
T1 Fruit and Vegetable Intake
self-reported fruit and vegetable intake (7 items total). Responses to each fruit and vegetable intake item were rated on a 6-point scale and were rated as 0 = less than 1 time per week, 1 = once a week, 2 = 2-3 times a week, 3 = 4-6 times a week, 4 = once a day, and 5 = 2 or more times a day. Summed responses ranged from 0 to 35.
T1 Physical Activity
Self-reported using the Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition 3 survey (24 items/activities). Participants reported frequency and duration (in hours) of physical activity that was done in seven categories and in the past 7 days. These categories were recreation (4 activities), indoor (5 activities) and outdoor (4 activities) household tasks, child and adult care (5 activities), transportation (2 activities) and activity at work and school (4 items). We first calculated hours spent on (frequency x duration) each activity, then sum all activities from 7 categories to create the total hours of moderate physical activity in the past 7 days (range 0 to 72 hours/past 7 days). The more hours, the more physical activity.
T1 Stress
Self-report using the Perceived Stress Scale (9 items) to measure stress perception. Participants were asked about their perception of stress in the past month. Response options were scored on a 4-point scale ranging from 1 (rarely or never) to 4 (usually or always). The overall stress score was the mean of the 9-item scores, with a higher score indicating lower stress.
T2 Fat Intake
時間枠:immediately after the 16-week intervention
self-reported fat intake behavior using Rapid Food Screener (17 items total). Responses to each fat intake item were rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (1 time or less per month) to 4 (5 or more times per week). Summed responses ranged from 0 to 68.
immediately after the 16-week intervention
T3 Fat Intake
時間枠:3-month after the 16-week intervention
self-reported fat intake behavior using Rapid Food Screener (17 items total). Responses to each fat intake item were rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (1 time or less per month) to 4 (5 or more times per week). Summed responses ranged from 0 to 68.
3-month after the 16-week intervention
T2 Fruit and Vegetable Intake
時間枠:immediately after the 16-week intervention
self-reported fruit and vegetable intake (7 items total). Responses to each fruit and vegetable intake item were rated on a 6-point scale and were rated as 0 = less than 1 time per week, 1 = once a week, 2 = 2-3 times a week, 3 = 4-6 times a week, 4 = once a day, and 5 = 2 or more times a day. Summed responses ranged from 0 to 35.
immediately after the 16-week intervention
T3 Fruit and Vegetable Intake
時間枠:3-month after the 16-week intervention
self-reported fruit and vegetable intake (7 items total). Responses to each fruit and vegetable intake item were rated on a 6-point scale and were rated as 0 = less than 1 time per week, 1 = once a week, 2 = 2-3 times a week, 3 = 4-6 times a week, 4 = once a day, and 5 = 2 or more times a day. Summed responses ranged from 0 to 35.
3-month after the 16-week intervention
T2 Physical Activity
時間枠:immediatly after the 16-week intervention
Self-reported using the Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition 3 survey (24 items/activities). Participants reported frequency and duration (in hours) of physical activity that was done in seven categories and in the past 7 days. These categories were recreation (4 activities), indoor (5 activities) and outdoor (4 activities) household tasks, child and adult care (5 activities), transportation (2 activities) and activity at work and school (4 items). We first calculated hours spent on (frequency x duration) each activity, then sum all activities from 7 categories to create the total hours of moderate physical activity in the past 7 days (range 0 to 72 hours/past 7 days). The more hours, the more physical activity.
immediatly after the 16-week intervention
T3 Physical Activity
時間枠:3-month after the 16-week intervention
Self-reported using the Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition 3 survey (24 items/activities). Participants reported frequency and duration (in hours) of physical activity that was done in seven categories and in the past 7 days. These categories were recreation (4 activities), indoor (5 activities) and outdoor (4 activities) household tasks, child and adult care (5 activities), transportation (2 activities) and activity at work and school (4 items). We first calculated hours spent on (frequency x duration) each activity, then sum all activities from 7 categories to create the total hours of moderate physical activity in the past 7 days (range 0 to 72 hours/past 7 days). The more hours, the more physical activity.
3-month after the 16-week intervention
T2 Stress
時間枠:immediatly after the 16-week intervention
Self-report using the Perceived Stress Scale (9 items) to measure stress perception. Participants were asked about their perception of stress in the past month. Response options were scored on a 4-point scale ranging from 1 (rarely or never) to 4 (usually or always). The overall stress score was the mean of the 9-item scores, with a higher score indicating lower stress.
immediatly after the 16-week intervention
T3 Stress
時間枠:3-month after the 16-week intervention
Self-report using the Perceived Stress Scale (9 items) to measure stress perception. Participants were asked about their perception of stress in the past month. Response options were scored on a 4-point scale ranging from 1 (rarely or never) to 4 (usually or always). The overall stress score was the mean of the 9-item scores, with a higher score indicating lower stress.
3-month after the 16-week intervention
Measured Body Weight
時間枠:Immediatly after the 16-week intervention (T2)
measured body weight in person at WIC office
Immediatly after the 16-week intervention (T2)





  • 主任研究者:Mei-Wei Chang, Ph.D、Michigan State University College of Nursing





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Lifestyle Counselingの臨床試験
