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Addressing Sexual Concerns in Breast Cancer: Patient Intervention Study

2021年3月15日 更新者:Fox Chase Cancer Center

Enhancing Patient-Provider Communication About Sexual Concerns in Breast Cancer: Patient Intervention Study

The goal of this study is to evaluate an educational video intervention (called Starting the Conversation) aimed to enhance breast cancer patients' beliefs about and communication with respect to sexual concerns. In the current study, 128 breast cancer outpatients will be randomized to either participate in the video intervention and to receive a resource guide addressing sexual and menopausal health or to receive the resource guide alone. Patients will be asked to participate in the video and/or read through the resource guide prior to their clinic visit with their breast cancer provider. The investigators will examine effects of the interventions on patients' beliefs about communication about sexual health and on patients' communication about sexual health during clinic visits with their providers. Secondarily, the investigators will examine effects of the interventions on sexual outcomes and other health outcomes, including psychological well-being and health-related QOL.




入学 (実際)



  • 適用できない




    • Pennsylvania
      • Philadelphia、Pennsylvania、アメリカ、19111
        • Fox Chase Cancer Center





21年歳以上 (大人、高齢者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Receiving any treatment for breast cancer or have completed acute treatment for breast cancer < 10 years ago
  2. Attending clinic visits in the course of follow-up care (i.e., not an initial consult visit)
  3. Willing to have clinic visit audio recorded

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Unable to speak English
  2. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance score > 2 OR too ill to participate as judged by physician, self-report, or observation of the research team member
  3. Overt cognitive dysfunction or psychiatric disturbance or severe mental illness (e.g., dementia, suicidal behavior, or psychosis), as observed or judged by the researcher or referring source.





  • 主な目的:支持療法
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:並列代入
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
アクティブコンパレータ:Resources Only
Patients will receive a list of resources on sexual and menopausal health in breast cancer. They will be asked to review the resources before their next clinic visit.
Patients will receive a resource list that includes both web-based resources on menopausal and sexual health and center-specific resources, such as contact information for a menopausal & sexual health clinic.
実験的:Resources + Video
Patients will receive a list of web resources on sexual and menopausal health in breast cancer. In addition to the resources, patients will be asked to view an online video called "Starting the Conversation" and to complete an accompanying workbook. Patients in this arm will be asked to review the resource list, watch the Starting the Conversation video, and complete the workbook before their next clinic visit.
Patients will receive a resource list that includes both web-based resources on menopausal and sexual health and center-specific resources, such as contact information for a menopausal & sexual health clinic.
The Starting the Conversation program is designed to increase self-efficacy and outcome expectancies for communicating with providers about sexual health and related issues, reduce barriers to communication, and provide basic training in skills for communicating with providers about these topics, including prioritizing concerns, tips for effective communication, communication practice, and self-feedback.
介入なし:Clinician Arm
Clinicians were consented in order to have their clinic visits audio recorded. No outcomes data were collected from clinician participants.



Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About Sexual Health Issues
時間枠:2 weeks
Two items assessed patients' self-efficacy (confidence) for communicating with their breast cancer clinician about sexual health concerns in terms of either talking (item 1) or asking (item 2) about sexual health. Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all confident/not at all to 10=extremely confident/very much). Mean scores across the two items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher self-efficacy.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About Sexual Health Issues
時間枠:2 months
Two items assessed patients' self-efficacy (confidence) for communicating with their breast cancer clinician about sexual health concerns in terms of either talking (item 1) or asking (item 2) about sexual health. Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all confident/not at all to 10=extremely confident/very much). Mean scores across the two items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher self-efficacy.
2 months
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Sexual Health Communication
時間枠:2 weeks
Five items assessed the belief that discussing sexual health with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Sexual Health Communication
時間枠:2 months
Five items assessed the belief that discussing sexual health with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 months
Number of Patients Who Asked at Least One Question About Sexual Health at Their Clinic Visit
時間枠:2 weeks
As coded from clinic visit audio, the number of patients who ask at least one question about sexual health.
2 weeks
Number of Patients Who Initiate Conversation About Sexual Health in Their Clinic Visit
時間枠:2 weeks
As coded from clinic visit audio, the number of patients who raise the topic of sexual health during their encounter (out of encounters where a sexual health discussion occurred).
2 weeks


Recruitment Rates (Feasibility)
Recruitment rates, as measured by percentage of patients enrolled (i.e., baselined) out of eligible patients approached for the study.
Retention Rates (Feasibility)
時間枠:2 weeks
Retention rates, as measured by percentage of patients who remain on study for 2-week follow-up assessment.
2 weeks
Retention Rates (Feasibility)
時間枠:2 months
Retention rates, as measured by percentage of patients who remain on study for 2-month follow-up assessment.
2 months
Intervention Acceptability
時間枠:2 weeks
Acceptability of intervention, as measured through the item "Overall, how satisfied were you with this program?". Responses options include Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied, and Very Dissatisfied. Responses of "satisfied" or "very satisfied" indicate acceptability. Number of patients reporting acceptability and number of patients not reporting acceptability are presented.
2 weeks
Sexual Activity
時間枠:2 months
Sexual activity was measured by a single item asking (yes/no) whether the participant had any kind of sexual activity in the past 30 days.
2 months
Sexual Function
時間枠:2 months
Sexual function was assessed using the Lubrication, Vaginal Discomfort, Satisfaction, and Interest domain scores from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Sexual Function and Satisfaction scale (PROMIS SexFS) Brief Profile Version 2.0. Scores are converted to a T-score metric where a score of 50 equates to the mean of the U.S. population of sexually active adults (SD=10). Higher scores for all domains except Vaginal Discomfort signify better function.
2 months
General Self-Efficacy for Communication With Provider
時間枠:2 months
Patients' self-efficacy for communicating with provider generally, as measured through the Perceived Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions Scale (PEPPI-5). The PEPPI-5 is a five-item scale that measures patient confidence in communicating with providers. Response options are on a scale from 1 (Not at All Confident) to 5 (Very Confident) and are summed for a total self-efficacy score (Range: 5-25). Higher scores indicate higher self-efficacy.
2 months
Barriers to Communicating About Sexual Health
時間枠:2 months
Patient barriers to communication about sexual health, as measured through a 13-item scale. Scale items cover potential reasons a patient might not want to discuss sexual health concerns with her provider (e.g., "I might become embarrassed"). Items are scored on a 1-5 scale where 1=Strongly Disagree and 5=Strongly Disagree. A total barrier score will be taken from this scale (Range: 13-65). Higher scores indicate more perceived barriers to communication.
2 months
Self-Reported Anxiety
時間枠:2 months
Patients self-reported anxiety, as measured through anxiety subscale of the Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). The anxiety subscale consists of 7 items that are scored from 0 to 3. Summed scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores indicating higher levels of anxiety.
2 months
Self-Reported Depression
時間枠:2 months
Patients self-reported depression, as measured through depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). The depression subscale consists of 7 items that are scored from 0 to 3. Summed scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores indicating higher levels of depression.
2 months
Self-Reported Quality of Life
時間枠:2 months
Quality of life, as measured through the Abbreviated Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast Cancer (FACT-B) total score. The FACT-B contains 23 items about physical, functional, and emotional well-being in the context of breast cancer. Scale items are scored from 0 to 4. Summed scores run from 0 to 92, with higher scores indicating higher quality of life.
2 months
Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About About Treatment Side Effects
時間枠:2 weeks
Patients' self-reported self-efficacy for communication about treatment side effects with their breast cancer provider. The items about treatment side effects consist of 2 items within a larger 6-item scale which ask the patient how confident she is in talking to her provider about treatment side effects and asking her provider about treatment side effects. Response options range from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (extremely confident). Mean scores will be reported.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About About Treatment Side Effects
時間枠:2 months
Patients' self-reported self-efficacy for communication about treatment side effects with their breast cancer provider. The items about treatment side effects consist of 2 items within a larger 6-item scale which ask the patient how confident she is in talking to her provider about treatment side effects and asking her provider about treatment side effects. Response options range from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (extremely confident). Mean scores will be reported.
2 months
Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About About Menopausal Health
時間枠:2 weeks
Patients' self-reported self-efficacy for communication about menopausal health with their breast cancer provider. The items about menopausal health consist of 2 items within a larger 6-item scale which ask the patient how confident she is in talking to her provider about menopausal health and asking her provider about menopausal health. Response options range from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (extremely confident). Mean scores will be reported.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Self-Efficacy for Communicating About About Menopausal Health
時間枠:2 months
Patients' self-reported self-efficacy for communication about menopausal health with their breast cancer provider. The items about menopausal health consist of 2 items within a larger 6-item scale which ask the patient how confident she is in talking to her provider about menopausal health and asking her provider about menopausal health. Response options range from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (extremely confident). Mean scores will be reported.
2 months
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Communication About Treatment Side Effects
時間枠:2 weeks
Five items assessed the belief that discussing treatment side effects with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Communication About Treatment Side Effects
時間枠:2 months
Five items assessed the belief that discussing treatment side effects with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 months
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Communication About Menopausal Health
時間枠:2 weeks
Five items assessed the belief that discussing menopausal health with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 weeks
Self-Reported Outcome Expectancies for Communication About Menopausal Health
時間枠:2 months
Five items assessed the belief that discussing menopausal health with her breast cancer clinician would lead to positive outcomes (e.g., "find a solution to a problem"). Response options used an 11-point scale (0=not at all to 10=very much). Mean scores across the five items were used, ranging from 0-10. Higher scores indicate higher expectancies for positive outcomes.
2 months




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Sexual and Menopausal Health Resourcesの臨床試験
