COVID-19-The largest isolation study in history: the value of shared learnings from spaceflight analogs

Alexander Choukér, Alexander C Stahn, Alexander Choukér, Alexander C Stahn


The world is currently experiencing the largest isolation experiment in history. In an attempt to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic numerous countries across the world have been shutting down economies, education, and public life. Governments have mandated strict regulations of quarantine and social distancing in an unprecedented manner. The effects of these measures on brain, behavior, neuro-humoral and immunological responses in humans are largely unknown. Life science research for space exploration has a long history in using high-fidelity spaceflight analogs to better understand the effect of prolonged isolation and confinement on genes, molecules, cells, neural circuits, and physiological systems to behavior. We here propose to leverage the extensive experience and data from these studies and build a bridge between spaceflight research and clinical settings to foster transdisciplinary approaches to characterize the neurobehavioral effects on the immune system and vice versa. These approaches are expected to develop innovative and efficient health screening tools, diagnostic systems, and treatments to mitigate health risks associated with isolation and confinement on Earth and during future exploratory spaceflight missions.

Keywords: Epidemiology; Risk factors; Translational research.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing interests.

© The Author(s) 2020.


Fig. 1. How research in spaceflight analogs…
Fig. 1. How research in spaceflight analogs and technological developments translate to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social isolation and confinement can have unique effects on brain and behavior. Physical distancing measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 across the globe lead to an unprecedented rise in social isolation, which is considered the greatest international biopsychosocial emergency the world has faced for a century. Reduced sensory stimulation and isolation are also a major risk factor during future spaceflight exploratory class missions. Spaceflight analogs and the COVID-19 pandemic carry significant synergies for gaining a better understanding of the neurobehavioral and immunological implications of social isolation and how to mitigate related adverse health conditions. High-fidelity space analogs using Isolated, Controlled Confinement (ICC), Isolated Confinement and Extreme Environments (ICE) can foster the understanding of the effects of isolation and confinement on brain, behavior and (neuro-) immunology and assess the efficacy of treatments to mitigate adverse behavioral health conditions. This knowledge and the technologies could translate to basic research in life science and drive innovative medical and health-related applications. Vice versa, methodologies, and technologies from laboratory experiments and clinical trials can effectively transfer to improve point-of-care astronaut health and performance applications.


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