Feasibility of Improving Cerebral Autoregulation in Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage (BREATHE-ICH) study: a protocol for an experimental interventional study

Jatinder S Minhas, Ronney B Panerai, Thompson G Robinson, Jatinder S Minhas, Ronney B Panerai, Thompson G Robinson


Introduction: Cerebral autoregulation (CA) is impaired in a multitude of neurological conditions. Increasingly, clinical studies are correlating the nature of this impairment with prognostic markers. In acute intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), impairment of CA has been associated with worsening clinical outcomes including poorer Glasgow Coma Score and larger haematoma volume. Hypocapnia has been shown to improve CA despite concerns over hypoperfusion and consequent ischaemic risks, and it is therefore hypothesised that hypocapnia (via hyperventilation) in acute ICH may improve CA and consequently clinical outcome. BREATHE-ICH is a CA-targeted interventional study in acute ICH utilising a simple bedside hyperventilatory manoeuvre.

Methods and analysis: Patients with acute ICH within 48 hours of onset will be included. The experimental set-up measures cerebral blood flow (cerebral blood velocity, transcranial Doppler), blood pressure (Finometer) and end tidal carbon dioxide (capnography) at baseline, and in response to hypocapnia (-5 mm and -10 mm Hg below baseline) achieved via a 90 s hyperventilatory manoeuvre. Autoregulation is evaluated with transfer function analysis and autoregulatory index calculations. Important classical endpoints associated with this before and after interventional study include death and disability at 14 days and the proportion of recruited individuals able to comply with the full measurement protocol.

Ethics and dissemination: A favourable opinion was granted by the East Midlands-Nottingham 1 Research Ethics Committee (17/EM/0283). It is anticipated that the results of this study will be presented at national and international meetings, with reports being published in journals during late 2018.

Trial registration number: NCT03324321.

Keywords: hypertension; neurological injury; neuroradiology; physiology; stroke.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Bedside physiological measurement set-up for BREATHE-ICH study: (A) capnograph; (B) cerebral blood velocity waveforms from Dopplerbox (V.10.5.1 software) dedicated laptop; (C) Finometer; (D) PHYSIDAS data acquisition system; (E) DWL Dopplerbox; (F) Korg Metronome.


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