Cross-Sectional Study of Arterial Stiffness in Adolescents with Down Syndrome

Andrea Kelly, Sheela N Magge, Rachel Walega, Claire Cochrane, Mary E Pipan, Babette S Zemel, Meryl S Cohen, Samuel S Gidding, Ray Townsend, Andrea Kelly, Sheela N Magge, Rachel Walega, Claire Cochrane, Mary E Pipan, Babette S Zemel, Meryl S Cohen, Samuel S Gidding, Ray Townsend


Objectives: To test whether youth with Down syndrome have aortic stiffness indices, as measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV), that differ from youth without Down syndrome and to compare reference-based age-adjusted (age-PWV-Z) and height-adjusted (Ht-PWV-Z) in youth with and without Down syndrome.

Study design: Cross-sectional study of PWV in 129 adolescents with Down syndrome and 97 youth of comparable age, sex, race/ethnicity, and body mass index (BMI). PWV, age-PWV-Z, and Ht-PWV-Z were compared. Regression models were developed to test for associations with PWV.

Results: Youth with Down syndrome and controls were comparable in BMI-Z (1.4 [-1.5 to 2.8] vs 1.2 [-2.0 to 2.8], P = .57) but not Ht-Z (-2.3 [-4.7 to 0.8] vs 0.4 [-2.0 to 2.6], P < .0001). PWV (m/s, 5.0 [3.1-7.9] vs 5.0 [3.6-8.0], P = .5) and mean arterial pressure (MAP, mm Hg) (78 [61-102] vs 74 [64-97], P = .09) were not different between groups. In adjusted analyses confined to Down syndrome, PWV was associated only with BMI, but not age, black race, or MAP (R2 = 0.11). In contrast, BMI, age, black race, and MAP were all positively associated with and better explained PWV in controls (R2 = 0.50). PWV was not associated with height in youth with or without Down syndrome. Although age-PWV-Z was not different in Down syndrome (-0.36 [-2.93 to 3.49]) vs -0.15 [-2.32 to 3.22]), Ht-PWV-Z was greater in Down syndrome (0.32 [-2.28 to 4.07] vs -0.08 [-2.64 to 2.64], P = .002), and Ht-PWV-Z was greater than age-PWV-Z in Down syndrome (P < .0001).

Conclusions: The lack of relationship of PWV, an independent predictor of adult cardiovascular events, with its traditional determinants including MAP suggests Down syndrome-specific phenomena may alter such relationships in this population. In youth with Down syndrome, Ht-adjusted PWV may overestimate aortic stiffness.

Trial registration: NCT01821300.

Keywords: Down syndrome; cardiovascular disease; obesity; pulse-wave velocity.

Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


FIGURE 1.. Relationships of PWV to Potential…
FIGURE 1.. Relationships of PWV to Potential Determinants of PWV in Adolescents with Down Syndrome (X) and Typically Developing Matched-Controls (•).
PWV more strongly correlated with A. age (nonDS: rho=0.36, p=0.0005 vs DS: rho=0.18, p=0.05), B. BMI (nonDS: rho=0.45, p<0.0001 vs DS: rho=0.28, p=0.002), and C. MAP in controls (nonDS: rho=0.36, p=0.005; DS: rho=0.16, p=0.07) compared with adolescents with DS. PWV did not correlate with height in either group (nonDS: rho=0.16, p=0.14; DS: rho=0.12, p=0.19). Fitted lines for DS (--) and controls (--) are also shown.
FIGURE 2.. Relationships of Height-Adjusted-PWV to Height-Z…
FIGURE 2.. Relationships of Height-Adjusted-PWV to Height-Z in Adolescents with Down Syndrome (X) and Typically Developing Matched-Controls (•).
Height-adjusted PWV-Z was higher in DS (p=0.012) vs controls. Height-adjusted PWV-Z was negatively correlated with Height-Z in both DS (rho=−0.35, p=0.0001) and controls (rho=−0.34, p=0.0006). Height was significantly lower in DS vs controls (inset, p


In adolescents with DS,…


In adolescents with DS, PWV did not differ by congenital heart defect…

In adolescents with DS, PWV did not differ by congenital heart defect status (• none, + present but not surgically managed, or X surgically-repaired, p=0.27). Surgically managed CHD included PDA, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect, Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect; CHD nor managed with surgery included PDA, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect, bicuspid aortic valve.

FIGURE 4, ONLINE.. Comparison of Height-Adjusted-PWV and…

FIGURE 4, ONLINE.. Comparison of Height-Adjusted-PWV and Age-Adjusted-PWV in Adolescents with Down Syndrome (X) and…

FIGURE 4, ONLINE.. Comparison of Height-Adjusted-PWV and Age-Adjusted-PWV in Adolescents with Down Syndrome (X) and Typically Developing Matched-Controls (•).
Age-adjusted PWV-Z were not different in DS vs nonDS controls, (p=0.15). However, Height-adjusted PWV-Z was higher in DS (p=0.012) vs controls, and Height-adjusted PWV-Z was higher than Age-adjusted PWV-Z in DS (p
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In adolescents with DS, PWV did not differ by congenital heart defect status (• none, + present but not surgically managed, or X surgically-repaired, p=0.27). Surgically managed CHD included PDA, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect, Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect; CHD nor managed with surgery included PDA, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect, bicuspid aortic valve.
FIGURE 4, ONLINE.. Comparison of Height-Adjusted-PWV and…
FIGURE 4, ONLINE.. Comparison of Height-Adjusted-PWV and Age-Adjusted-PWV in Adolescents with Down Syndrome (X) and Typically Developing Matched-Controls (•).
Age-adjusted PWV-Z were not different in DS vs nonDS controls, (p=0.15). However, Height-adjusted PWV-Z was higher in DS (p=0.012) vs controls, and Height-adjusted PWV-Z was higher than Age-adjusted PWV-Z in DS (p

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