Neural Correlates of Successful and Unsuccessful Strategical Mechanisms Involved in Uncertain Decision-Making

Julie Giustiniani, Damien Gabriel, Magali Nicolier, Julie Monnin, Emmanuel Haffen, Julie Giustiniani, Damien Gabriel, Magali Nicolier, Julie Monnin, Emmanuel Haffen


The ability to develop successful long-term strategies in uncertain situations relies on complex neural mechanisms. Although lesion studies have shown some of the mechanisms involved, it is still unknown why some healthy subjects are able to make the right decision whereas others are not. The aim of our study was to investigate neurophysiological differences underlying this ability to develop a successful strategy in a group of healthy subjects playing a monetary card game called the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). In this task, subjects have to win and earn money by choosing between four decks of cards, two were advantageous in the long term and two disadvantageous. Twenty healthy right-handed subjects performed the IGT while their cerebral activity was recorded by electroencephalography. Based on their behavioral performances, two groups of subjects could clearly be distinguished: one who selected the good decks and thus succeeded in developing a Favorable strategy (9 subjects) and one who remained Undecided (11 subjects). No neural difference was found between each group before the selection of a deck, but in both groups a greater negativity was found emerging from the right superior frontal gyrus 600 ms before a disadvantageous selection. During the processing of the feedback, an attenuation of the P200 and P300 waveforms was found for the Undecided group, and a P300 originating from the medial frontal gyrus was found in response to a loss only in the Favorable group. Our results suggest that undecided subjects are hyposensitive to the valence of the cards during gambling, which affects the feedback processing.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Design of the experiment.
Fig 1. Design of the experiment.
(a) For the first trial and trial following the break, subjects had to fix a cross while making their selection by pressing a key. (b) Selection was followed by a feedback of the deck chosen and the total credit amount. (c) Then the money involved in this trial was displayed. (d) A fixation point appeared to focus the eyes, followed by a fixation letter announcing the result. Half of subjects (5 men/5 women) received the information that (e) the letter P means loss (“Perdu” means loss) and (f) letter V means win (“Victoire” means victory), and the other half received the opposite information.
Fig 2. Behavioral performance in the Iowa…
Fig 2. Behavioral performance in the Iowa Gambling Task.
(a) Evolution of the net score in each block for the whole group. A significant difference occurred between the first block and the last 3 blocks corresponding to the conceptual phase. (b) Average net score for each subject during the conceptual phase. Two distinct populations could clearly be distinguished in this phase: Favorable and Undecided groups. (c) Evolution of the net score in each block for the Favorable and Undecided groups.
Fig 3. Decision preceding negativity.
Fig 3. Decision preceding negativity.
(a) Grand average of electrophysiological activity of the anticipation of the disadvantageous or advantageous decks on the six clusters. (b) Differences in the anticipation generation between disadvantageous and advantageous decks. A greater activity at the right frontal gyrus level was observed for the disadvantageous decks. Please note that the left side of the brain is shown on the left side of the axial MRI slides.
Fig 4. Feedback processing.
Fig 4. Feedback processing.
Top: Feedback processing on the electrode Fz. Middle: surface topography for gain and loss in both groups of subject. Down: source imaging.


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