Mechanical contributors to sex differences in idiopathic knee osteoarthritis

Daniel P Nicolella, Mary I O'Connor, Roger M Enoka, Barbara D Boyan, David A Hart, Eileen Resnick, Karen J Berkley, Kathleen A Sluka, C Kent Kwoh, Laura L Tosi, Richard D Coutts, Lorena M Havill, Wendy M Kohrt, Daniel P Nicolella, Mary I O'Connor, Roger M Enoka, Barbara D Boyan, David A Hart, Eileen Resnick, Karen J Berkley, Kathleen A Sluka, C Kent Kwoh, Laura L Tosi, Richard D Coutts, Lorena M Havill, Wendy M Kohrt


The occurrence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) increases with age and is more common in women compared with men, especially after the age of 50 years. Recent work suggests that contact stress in the knee cartilage is a significant predictor of the risk for developing knee OA. Significant gaps in knowledge remain, however, as to how changes in musculoskeletal traits disturb the normal mechanical environment of the knee and contribute to sex differences in the initiation and progression of idiopathic knee OA. To illustrate this knowledge deficit, we summarize what is known about the influence of limb alignment, muscle function, and obesity on sex differences in knee OA. Observational data suggest that limb alignment can predict the development of radiographic signs of knee OA, potentially due to increased stresses and strains within the joint. However, these data do not indicate how limb alignment could contribute to sex differences in either the development or worsening of knee OA. Similarly, the strength of the knee extensor muscles is compromised in women who develop radiographic and symptomatic signs of knee OA, but the extent to which the decline in muscle function precedes the development of the disease is uncertain. Even less is known about how changes in muscle function might contribute to the worsening of knee OA. Conversely, obesity is a stronger predictor of developing knee OA symptoms in women than in men. The influence of obesity on developing knee OA symptoms is not associated with deviation in limb alignment, but BMI predicts the worsening of the symptoms only in individuals with neutral and valgus (knock-kneed) knees. It is more likely, however, that obesity modulates OA through a combination of systemic effects, particularly an increase in inflammatory cytokines, and mechanical factors within the joint. The absence of strong associations of these surrogate measures of the mechanical environment in the knee joint with sex differences in the development and progression of knee OA suggests that a more multifactorial and integrative approach in the study of this disease is needed. We identify gaps in knowledge related to mechanical influences on the sex differences in knee OA.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Full-length radiographs of both lower extremities showing neutral (left), varus (middle), and valgus (right) limb alignment. A line is drawn on each image from the center of the femoral head (representing the center of the hip joint) to the center of the ankle joint (talus). Left. When the line transects the knee joint, as in the neutral alignment, the weight-bearing stresses are well distributed in the lower extremity. Middle. When the line is medial to the center of the knee joint (varus alignment), there is an abnormal distribution of weight-bearing stresses on the medial (inner) aspect of the knee joint. Right. Conversely, when the line is located lateral to the center of the knee joint (valgus alignment), the weight-bearing stresses are greater on the lateral aspect of the knee joint.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Associations between knee extensor strength and the incidence of developing radiographic signs of tibiofemoral OA at 30 months of follow-up [20]. Those men (n = 70) and women (n = 198) in the MOST study who exhibited the radiographic signs are indicated in black bars and those who did not (men: 1,110; women: 2,679) are shown in grey bars. The data are plotted as percentages of the number of subjects in each group. Strength was measured on an isokinetic dynamometer using shortening contractions performed at 60º/s. Data were provided by Neil A. Segal, M.D.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Associations between knee extensor strength and the incidence of developing symptomatic and radiographic signs of knee OA at 30 months of follow-up [20]. Those men (n = 101) and women (n = 217) in the MOST study who exhibited both signs of knee OA are indicated in black bars and those who did not (men: 1,535; women: 2,223) are shown in grey bars. The data are plotted as percentages of the number of subjects in each group. Strength was measured on an isokinetic dynamometer using shortening contractions performed at 60º/s. Data were provided by Neil A. Segal, M.D.


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