Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn: A Review of Current Trends and Prospects

Akshay Kiran Myle, Ghanim Hamid Al-Khattabi, Akshay Kiran Myle, Ghanim Hamid Al-Khattabi


Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), also known as Erythroblastosis fetalis, is a hemolytic condition that predominantly affects rhesus-positive fetuses and infants born to rhesus-negative mothers. The pathophysiology of HDN begins with maternal antibodies attacking fetal red blood cells following alloimmunization due to rhesus or ABO incompatibility between the maternal and fetal blood. Previously, HDN was known to cause fetal death in 1% of all pregnancies, but with the advent of immunoprophylactic therapies, the condition can be currently fairly well managed with fewer complications if diagnosed early. Diagnosis calls for extensive history taking, physical examination, serological studies, and imaging modalities such as pelvic ultrasound scans. To prevent the disease, earlier intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) should be given to pregnant Rh- women who have not been sensitized. It is also vital to understand prospective complications such as severe hyperbilirubinemia and develop appropriate remedies. Because of its great incidence and nature, HDN has been thoroughly explored, and more studies are being conducted each year, revealing new insights about the condition. This review covers the disorder's etiology, diagnosis, and management, including the most current findings as of 2021, as well as trends and prospects, to help in future research and evidence-based medical practice.

Keywords: alloimmunization; fetomaternal hemorrhage; hemolysis; immunoprophylaxis.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

© 2021 Myle and Al-Khattabi.


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