The Internal-External Locus of Control Short Scale-4 (IE-4): A comprehensive validation of the English-language adaptation

Désirée Nießen, Isabelle Schmidt, Katharina Groskurth, Beatrice Rammstedt, Clemens M Lechner, Désirée Nießen, Isabelle Schmidt, Katharina Groskurth, Beatrice Rammstedt, Clemens M Lechner


The Internal-External Locus of Control Short Scale-4 (IE-4) measures two dimensions of the personality trait locus of control with two items each. IE-4 was originally developed and validated in German and later translated into English. In the present study, we assessed the psychometric properties (i.e., objectivity, reliability, validity) of the English-language IE-4, compared these psychometric properties with those of the German-language source version, and tested measurement invariance across both language versions. Using heterogeneous quota samples from the UK and Germany, we find that the English-language adaptation has satisfactory reliability and plausible correlations with 11 external variables (e.g., general self-efficacy, self-esteem, impulsive behavior, Emotional Stability), which are comparable with those of the German-language source version. Moreover, metric measurement invariance of the scale holds when comparing the UK and Germany, implying the comparability of correlations based on the latent factors across the two nations. As an ultra-short scale (completion time < 30 s), IE-4 lends itself particularly to the assessment of locus of control in survey contexts in which assessment time or questionnaire space are limited. It can be applied in a variety of research disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, or economics.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Two-dimensional measurement model of IE-4…
Fig 1. Two-dimensional measurement model of IE-4 with Standardized coefficients and equalized factor loadings.
Note. LOC = locus of control. The coefficients of the German sample are presented after the double slash. Item error terms have been omitted for clarity. NUK = 468; NDE = 474.


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