A Self-Report Measure of Diabetes Self-Management for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire-Revised (DSMQ-R) - Clinimetric Evidence From Five Studies

Andreas Schmitt, Bernhard Kulzer, Dominic Ehrmann, Thomas Haak, Norbert Hermanns, Andreas Schmitt, Bernhard Kulzer, Dominic Ehrmann, Thomas Haak, Norbert Hermanns


Aims: Measurement tools to evaluate self-management behavior are useful for diabetes research and clinical practice. The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) was introduced in 2013 and has become a widely used tool. This article presents a revised and updated version, DSMQ-R, and evaluates its properties in assessing self-management practices in type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Methods: The DSMQ-R is a multidimensional questionnaire with 27 items regarding essential self-management practices for T1D and T2D (including diabetes-adjusted eating, glucose testing/monitoring, medication taking, physical activity and cooperation with the diabetes team). For the revised form, the original items were partially amended and the wording was updated; eleven items were newly added. The tool was applied as part of health-related surveys in five clinical studies (two cross-sectional, three prospective) including a total of 1,447 people with T1D and T2D. Using this data base, clinimetric properties were rigorously tested.

Results: The analyses showed high internal and retest reliability coefficients for the total scale and moderate to high coefficients for the subscales. Reliability coefficients for scales including the new items were consistently higher. Correlations with convergent criteria and related variables supported validity. Responsiveness was supported by significant short to medium term changes in prospective studies. Significant associations with glycemic outcomes were observed for DSMQ-R-assessed medication taking, glucose monitoring and eating behaviors.

Conclusions: The results support good clinimetric properties of the DSMQ-R. The tool can be useful for research and clinical practice and may facilitate the identification of improvable self-management practices in individuals.

Keywords: clinimetric; diabetes; evaluation; health behavior; measurement instrument; questionnaire; self-managament; treatment behavior.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Copyright © 2022 Schmitt, Kulzer, Ehrmann, Haak and Hermanns.


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