Machine learning models predicting multidrug resistant urinary tract infections using "DsaaS"

Alessio Mancini, Leonardo Vito, Elisa Marcelli, Marco Piangerelli, Renato De Leone, Sandra Pucciarelli, Emanuela Merelli, Alessio Mancini, Leonardo Vito, Elisa Marcelli, Marco Piangerelli, Renato De Leone, Sandra Pucciarelli, Emanuela Merelli


Background: The scope of this work is to build a Machine Learning model able to predict patients risk to contract a multidrug resistant urinary tract infection (MDR UTI) after hospitalization. To achieve this goal, we used different popular Machine Learning tools. Moreover, we integrated an easy-to-use cloud platform, called DSaaS (Data Science as a Service), well suited for hospital structures, where healthcare operators might not have specific competences in using programming languages but still, they do need to analyze data as a continuous process. Moreover, DSaaS allows the validation of data analysis models based on supervised Machine Learning regression and classification algorithms.

Results: We used DSaaS on a real antibiotic stewardship dataset to make predictions about antibiotic resistance in the Clinical Pathology Operative Unit of the Principe di Piemonte Hospital in Senigallia, Marche, Italy. Data related to a total of 1486 hospitalized patients with nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI). Sex, age, age class, ward and time period, were used to predict the onset of a MDR UTI. Machine Learning methods such as Catboost, Support Vector Machine and Neural Networks were utilized to build predictive models. Among the performance evaluators, already implemented in DSaaS, we used accuracy (ACC), area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC), area under Precision-Recall curve (AUC-PRC), F1 score, sensitivity (SEN), specificity and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC). Catboost exhibited the best predictive results (MCC 0.909; SEN 0.904; F1 score 0.809; AUC-PRC 0.853, AUC-ROC 0.739; ACC 0.717) with the highest value in every metric.

Conclusions: the predictive model built with DSaaS may serve as a useful support tool for physicians treating hospitalized patients with a high risk to acquire MDR UTIs. We obtained these results using only five easy and fast predictors accessible for each patient hospitalization. In future, DSaaS will be enriched with more features like unsupervised Machine Learning techniques, streaming data analysis, distributed calculation and big data storage and management to allow researchers to perform a complete data analysis pipeline. The DSaaS prototype is available as a demo at the following address:

Keywords: Antibiotic stewardship; Classification; Data science pipeline; Machine learning; Multi drug resistance; Nosocomial infection; Regression.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript, and none of them have financial or competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
DSaaS future architecture. In dark gray are shown the operative modules described in this paper and already operative. In light gray are showed the modules that will be implemented in the future to perform data flow editing, R scripting and a Stewardship UI


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