A roadmap to using historical controls in clinical trials - by Drug Information Association Adaptive Design Scientific Working Group (DIA-ADSWG)

Mercedeh Ghadessi, Rui Tang, Joey Zhou, Rong Liu, Chenkun Wang, Kiichiro Toyoizumi, Chaoqun Mei, Lixia Zhang, C Q Deng, Robert A Beckman, Mercedeh Ghadessi, Rui Tang, Joey Zhou, Rong Liu, Chenkun Wang, Kiichiro Toyoizumi, Chaoqun Mei, Lixia Zhang, C Q Deng, Robert A Beckman


Historical controls (HCs) can be used for model parameter estimation at the study design phase, adaptation within a study, or supplementation or replacement of a control arm. Currently on the latter, there is no practical roadmap from design to analysis of a clinical trial to address selection and inclusion of HCs, while maintaining scientific validity. This paper provides a comprehensive roadmap for planning, conducting, analyzing and reporting of studies using HCs, mainly when a randomized clinical trial is not possible. We review recent applications of HC in clinical trials, in which either predominantly a large treatment effect overcame concerns about bias, or the trial targeted a life-threatening disease with no treatment options. In contrast, we address how the evidentiary standard of a trial can be strengthened with optimized study designs and analysis strategies, emphasizing rare and pediatric indications. We highlight the importance of simulation and sensitivity analyses for estimating the range of uncertainties in the estimation of treatment effect when traditional randomization is not possible. Overall, the paper provides a roadmap for using HCs.

Keywords: Clinical trial; Historical control; Pediatric indication; Rare disease; Real world data; Real world evidence; Sensitivity analysis; Simulation.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Decision Making Diagram for using HCs in Clinical Trials
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Clinical Trial using HCs Simulation Process
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Visualization of Comparison of the “Sweet Spots” of Methods via Simulation
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Existing Registry – Historical Assessment
Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Existing Registry – Suitability Assessment


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