Attitudes of Mexican anesthesiologists to indicate preoperative fasting periods: A cross-sectional survey

Juan Ramírez-Mora, Diana Moyao-García, Alejandro A Nava-Ocampo, Juan Ramírez-Mora, Diana Moyao-García, Alejandro A Nava-Ocampo


BACKGROUND: In Mexico, guidelines for fasting periods, or any audits on this topic are unavailable, and therefore the attitudes of anesthesiologists for recommending preoperative fasting periods are unknown. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional survey of anesthesiologists subscribed to the Annual Updated Course, organized by the Sociedad Mexicana de Anestesiologia in 2000. The response rate was 31.4%. RESULTS: Most respondents were general anesthesiologists, with 5 or more years experience in a clinical post, were working in both public and private hospitals, and were performing anesthetic procedures on both pediatric and adult patients and in both ambulatory and hospitalized patients. Approximately 23% of the respondents considered natural fruit juices to be clear liquids. For a pediatric patient ingesting breast milk 1 h before undergoing a surgical procedure, 45% thought that surgery should be delayed for 3h, followed by those delaying the surgical procedure for 6 to 8 h. Our results show that more than 50% of the anesthesiologists had better defined attitudes for fasting milk and clear liquids in patients of 6 month or under than for older children and adults. However, due to the poor definition or pre-operative fasting, using clear liquids, in all other patient groups, several patients are allowed to go without oral clear liquids administration for prolonged periods. CONCLUSION: Preoperative fasting periods recommended by Mexican anesthesiologists differ from international guidelines.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Polygon of frequencies of fasting periods recommended by anesthesiologists for breast feeding and infant formula for the following groups: 3 yr. (square).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Polygon of frequencies of fasting periods recommended by anesthesiologists for clear liquids for the following groups: 3 yr. (square), adolescents and adults (triangle up), and old patients (diamond).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Polygon of frequencies of fasting periods recommended by anesthesiologists for solids for the following groups: 0.5 to 3 yr. (circle), children >3 yr. (square), adolescents and adults (triangle), and old patients (diamond).


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Source: PubMed

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