The impact of Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type II) on health-related quality of life

Mireia Raluy-Callado, Wen-Hung Chen, David A H Whiteman, Juanzhi Fang, Ingela Wiklund, Mireia Raluy-Callado, Wen-Hung Chen, David A H Whiteman, Juanzhi Fang, Ingela Wiklund


Background: Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II)) is a rare metabolic disease that can severely compromise health, well-being and life expectancy. Little evidence has been published on the impact of MPS II on health-related quality of life (HRQL). The objective of this study was to describe this impact using the Hunter Syndrome-Functional Outcomes for Clinical Understanding Scale (HS-FOCUS) questionnaire and a range of standard validated questionnaires previously used in paediatric populations.

Methods: Clinical and demographic characteristics collected in a clinical trial and responses to four HRQL questionnaires completed both by patients and parents prior to enzyme replacement treatment were used. The association between questionnaire scores and clinical function parameters were tested using Spearman rank-order correlations. Results were compared to scores in other paediatric populations with chronic conditions obtained through a targeted literature search of published studies.

Results: Overall, 96 male patients with MPS II and their parents were enrolled in the trial. All parents completed the questionnaires and 53 patients above 12 years old also completed the self-reported versions. Parents' and patients' responses were analysed separately and results were very similar. Dysfunction according to the HS-FOCUS and the CHAQ was most pronounced in the physical function domains. Very low scores were reported in the Self Esteem and Family Cohesion domains in the CHQ and HUI3 disutility values indicated a moderate impact. Scores reported by patients and their parents were consistently lower than scores in the other paediatric populations identified (except the parent-reported Behaviour score); and considerably lower than normative values.

Conclusions: This study describes the impact on HRQL in patients with MPS II and provides a broader context by comparing it with that of other chronic paediatric diseases. Physical function and the ability to perform day-to-day activities were the most affected areas and a considerable impact on the psychological aspects of patients' HRQL was also found, with a higher level of impairment across most dimensions (particularly Pain and Self Esteem) than that of other paediatric populations. Such humanistic data provide increasingly important support for establishing priorities for health care spending, and as a component of health economic analysis.

Trial registration: NCT00069641.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Patient-reported CHQ-CF87 scores compared with scores in a diabetic population.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Caregiver-reported CHQ-PF50 scores compared with proxy-reported scores in other paediatric populations and with proxy-reported normative values.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Caregiver-reported HUI3 utility values compared with caregiver-reported scores in other paediatric populations.


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