Grip strength across the life course: normative data from twelve British studies

Richard M Dodds, Holly E Syddall, Rachel Cooper, Michaela Benzeval, Ian J Deary, Elaine M Dennison, Geoff Der, Catharine R Gale, Hazel M Inskip, Carol Jagger, Thomas B Kirkwood, Debbie A Lawlor, Sian M Robinson, John M Starr, Andrew Steptoe, Kate Tilling, Diana Kuh, Cyrus Cooper, Avan Aihie Sayer, Richard M Dodds, Holly E Syddall, Rachel Cooper, Michaela Benzeval, Ian J Deary, Elaine M Dennison, Geoff Der, Catharine R Gale, Hazel M Inskip, Carol Jagger, Thomas B Kirkwood, Debbie A Lawlor, Sian M Robinson, John M Starr, Andrew Steptoe, Kate Tilling, Diana Kuh, Cyrus Cooper, Avan Aihie Sayer


Introduction: Epidemiological studies have shown that weaker grip strength in later life is associated with disability, morbidity, and mortality. Grip strength is a key component of the sarcopenia and frailty phenotypes and yet it is unclear how individual measurements should be interpreted. Our objective was to produce cross-sectional centile values for grip strength across the life course. A secondary objective was to examine the impact of different aspects of measurement protocol.

Methods: We combined 60,803 observations from 49,964 participants (26,687 female) of 12 general population studies in Great Britain. We produced centile curves for ages 4 to 90 and investigated the prevalence of weak grip, defined as strength at least 2.5 SDs below the gender-specific peak mean. We carried out a series of sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of dynamometer type and measurement position (seated or standing).

Results: Our results suggested three overall periods: an increase to peak in early adult life, maintenance through to midlife, and decline from midlife onwards. Males were on average stronger than females from adolescence onwards: males' peak median grip was 51 kg between ages 29 and 39, compared to 31 kg in females between ages 26 and 42. Weak grip strength, defined as strength at least 2.5 SDs below the gender-specific peak mean, increased sharply with age, reaching a prevalence of 23% in males and 27% in females by age 80. Sensitivity analyses suggested our findings were robust to differences in dynamometer type and measurement position.

Conclusion: This is the first study to provide normative data for grip strength across the life course. These centile values have the potential to inform the clinical assessment of grip strength which is recognised as an important part of the identification of people with sarcopenia and frailty.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1. Cross-cohort centile curves for grip…
Figure 1. Cross-cohort centile curves for grip strength.
Centiles shown 10, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th. ADNFS Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey, ALSPAC Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, HAS Hertfordshire Ageing Study, HCS Hertfordshire Cohort Study, LBC1921 and LBC1936 Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936, N85 Newcastle 85+ Study, NSHD Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development, SWS Southampton Women’s Survey, SWSmp mothers and their partners from the SWS, T-07 West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study, UKHLS Understanding Society: the UK Household Panel Study.
Figure 2. Gender-specific prevalence of weak grip…
Figure 2. Gender-specific prevalence of weak grip strength based on T-scores of −2 and −2.5.
Values shown in brackets are the gender-specific cut-off values calculated by subtracting the relevant number of standard deviations (2 or 2.5) from the young adult peak mean.


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