The PEARL score predicts 90-day readmission or death after hospitalisation for acute exacerbation of COPD

C Echevarria, J Steer, K Heslop-Marshall, S C Stenton, P M Hickey, R Hughes, M Wijesinghe, R N Harrison, N Steen, A J Simpson, G J Gibson, S C Bourke, C Echevarria, J Steer, K Heslop-Marshall, S C Stenton, P M Hickey, R Hughes, M Wijesinghe, R N Harrison, N Steen, A J Simpson, G J Gibson, S C Bourke


Background: One in three patients hospitalised due to acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) is readmitted within 90 days. No tool has been developed specifically in this population to predict readmission or death. Clinicians are unable to identify patients at particular risk, yet resources to prevent readmission are allocated based on clinical judgement.

Methods: In participating hospitals, consecutive admissions of patients with AECOPD were identified by screening wards and reviewing coding records. A tool to predict 90-day readmission or death without readmission was developed in two hospitals (the derivation cohort) and validated in: (a) the same hospitals at a later timeframe (internal validation cohort) and (b) four further UK hospitals (external validation cohort). Performance was compared with ADO, BODEX, CODEX, DOSE and LACE scores.

Results: Of 2417 patients, 936 were readmitted or died within 90 days of discharge. The five independent variables in the final model were: Previous admissions, eMRCD score, Age, Right-sided heart failure and Left-sided heart failure (PEARL). The PEARL score was consistently discriminative and accurate with a c-statistic of 0.73, 0.68 and 0.70 in the derivation, internal validation and external validation cohorts. Higher PEARL scores were associated with a shorter time to readmission.

Conclusions: The PEARL score is a simple tool that can effectively stratify patients' risk of 90-day readmission or death, which could help guide readmission avoidance strategies within the clinical and research setting. It is superior to other scores that have been used in this population.

Trial registration number: UKCRN ID 14214.

Keywords: COPD Exacerbations; COPD epidemiology.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to


Figure 1
Figure 1
Calibration curve showing predicted risk compared with observed risk by PEARL score.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Receiver operating characteristic curves for PEARL, ADO, BODEX, CODEX, DOSE and LACE for 90-day readmission or death, validation cohorts combined.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Time to readmission or death, by PEARL risk group: (A) in all cohorts up to 90 days, (B) in the derivation and internal validation cohort up to 365 days (comparison using the log rank test).


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