Progress in treatment of small-cell lung cancer: role of CPT-11

N Saijo, N Saijo


Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for approximately 15% of all cases of lung cancer and is a particularly aggressive form of lung cancer characterised by a poor prognosis, rapid tumour growth, and early metastasis. Roughly, two-thirds of patients with SCLC present with extensive disease (ED) and one-third with limited disease (LD). Combination chemotherapy is the most effective treatment modality for SCLC, and several new agents, including carboplatin, ifosfamide, taxans, and topotecan, have been demonstrated to be active; however, there are no data on the survival benefit of these drugs. A CPT-11+ cisplatin regimen has shown improvement in overall survival over the global gold standard regimen, etoposide + cisplatin (Japanese Clinical Oncology Group: JCOG 9511), and three confirmatory randomised controlled trials are in progress to determine the reproducibility of the JCOG 9511 study. JCOG is evaluating the role of CPT-11 and a new triplet regimen containing CPT-11 in limited-stage SCLC. Strategies and the current protocols of the JCOG are presented and discussed. In the future, it will be essential to evaluate molecular target-based drugs for LD and ED SCLC with new standard combination chemotherapy regimens that include CPT-11.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Phase III Study of CPT-11/CDD vs VP-16/CDDP in SCLC (JCOG9511).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Treatment schema.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Randomised phase III trial for LD-SCLC (JCOG 02002): Ongoing.


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Source: PubMed
