Neutrophils in periodontal inflammation

David A Scott, Jennifer Krauss, David A Scott, Jennifer Krauss


Neutrophils (also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes) are the most abundant leukocytes whose primary purpose as anti-microbial professional phagocytes is to kill extracellular pathogens. Neutrophils and macrophages are phagocytic cell types that along with other cells effectively link the innate and adaptive arms of the immune response, and help promote inflammatory resolution and tissue healing. Found extensively within the gingival crevice and epithelium, neutrophils are considered the key protective cell type in the periodontal tissues. Histopathology of periodontal lesions indicates that neutrophils form a 'wall' between the junctional epithelium and the pathogen-rich dental plaque which functions as a robust anti-microbial secretory structure and as a unified phagocytic apparatus. However, neutrophil protection is not without cost and is always considered a two-edged sword in that overactivity of neutrophils can cause tissue damage and prolong the extent and severity of inflammatory periodontal diseases. This review will cover the innate and inflammatory functions of neutrophils, and describe the importance and utility of neutrophils to the host response and the integrity of the periodontium in health and disease.

Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


Figure 1. Interface of bacterial plaque and…
Figure 1. Interface of bacterial plaque and crevicular neutrophils within the periodontal pocket
Neutrophils in the periodontal pocket forming a wall against the plaque biofilm. Neutrophils cannot engulf the large biofilm structure in vivo. The formation of a wall against the biofilm may be a protective mechanism. Nevertheless, an attempt is made to engulf the surface layer of this biofilm (yellow arrows). During this process of frustrated phagocytosis, enzymes within neutrophil lysosomal granules (red arrows), products of the oxidative burst, and other pro-inflammatory substances may be released directly into the pocket and/or the underlying tissue, where they have a predominantly destructive effect. Figure and text reproduced with permission, from(3).
Figure 2. T.E.M. image of a typical…
Figure 2. T.E.M. image of a typical human neutrophil
The multi-lobed nucleus and granule-dense cytoplasm are clearly apparent. Scale bar represents 2 μM. The image is taken from a manuscript currently under consideration for publication by Cell Death and Disease (14).
Figure 3. Contents of the intracellular membrane-bound…
Figure 3. Contents of the intracellular membrane-bound compartments of human neutrophils
aCD63 and CD68 are degranulation markers; bProteinase 3; cVAMP2 is key in granule membrane-cell membrane fusion and exocytosis; dNADPH oxidase subunits involved in ROS production (Gp91phox; p22phox); eTLR1, -2, -4, -6 and -8; fCRCX1, -2 and -4 as well as chemokine receptors 1, -2 and -3; gcomplement receptor 1 (CD35), c1qR. Data presented in Figure 3 are combined from (, –13, 15).
Figure 4. Extracellular neutrophil traps (NETs) in…
Figure 4. Extracellular neutrophil traps (NETs) in the periodontitis
TEMs of pocket epithelium biopsies are presented. (A) Overview of neutrophil extracellular traps on the pocket epithelium surface. The pronounced blackening is characteristic for neutrophil extracellular traps. The open arrows indicate neutrophil extracellular traps threads. (B) Detail of (A). The threads (open arrows) consist of individual fibers that run in parallel. (C) High magnification reveals that neutrophil extracellular traps consist of uniformly thick fibers (small solid arrows) with a diameter of nearly 15–17 nm. (D) Solitary bacteria (indicated by solid white arrowheads) entrapped by crevicular neutrophil extracellular traps. (E) A bacterium (solid white arrowhead) adherent to the epithelium surface is entrapped by neutrophil extracellular traps. A longitudinally running neutrophil extracellular trap fiber is delineated with white bars. Small solid white arrows: a multitude of cross-sectioned neutrophil extracellular trap fibers. (F) A scheme of a crevice. On the left: an epithelial cell with an adherent bacterium and bacteria in different stages of internalization. In the middle: periodontal crevice. Neutrophil extracellular traps build a ‘firewall’, protecting the gingiva from bacteria dispersing out of the subgingival plaque. The neutrophil extracellular traps, together with the entrapped bacteria, are continuously pushed into the oral cavity by the crevicular exudate outflow. Open white arrow: direction of the crevicular exudate outflow. On the right: subgingival plaque. Solid black arrow: a bacterium dispersing from the subgingival plaque. Figure and text reproduced, with permission, from (39).
Figure 5. Periodontal manifestations of Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
Figure 5. Periodontal manifestations of Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
A and B, Photographs showing marked red inflamed and swollen gingivae. C and D, Radiograph showing severe loss of alveolar bone. Images reproduced, with permission, from (139).
Figure 6. Promyelocytic and neutrophilic HL-60 cells…
Figure 6. Promyelocytic and neutrophilic HL-60 cells express α7- nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
A. α7 nAChR Western blot: Lane 1. Mouse frontal brain extract (10 μg; positive control); Lane 2. Lysate (40 μg) of promyelocytic HL-60 cells; Lanes 3 to 5. Lysate (40 μg) of five day, DMSO-induced (neutrophilic) HL-60 cells without nicotine, or with 10−6 M nicotine, or with 10−4 M nicotine treatment, respectively. α7 nAChR-specific antibodies (Santa Cruz SC-5544) bound to protein bands exhibiting a relative molecular mass of 55.0 KDa in all lanes. Densitometric analysis (data not shown) revealed that α7 nAChR-specific band intensities were significantly increased in the DMSO-treated samples, relative to promyelocytic cells (n = 5, *p < 0.05), but that this differentiation-associated increase α7 nAChR protein level was not influenced by nicotine exposure during differentiation in any statistically significant manner. B. α7 nAChR Immunofluorescence staining (x1000): Fixed five-day, DMSO-induced HL-60 cells were incubated with a polyclonal rabbit anti-α7 antibody (Santa Cruz SC-5544) before staining with a FITC-conjugated anti-rabbit antibody (Santa Cruz SC-2253). α7 nAChR-specific staining was evenly distributed across the cells. A similar cellular distribution of α7 nAChR was observed in promyelocytic cells (data not shown). C. Negative control for α7 nAChR Immunofluorescence staining (x1000). This figure was originally published by BioMed Central in (148).
Figure 7. Consequences of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine…
Figure 7. Consequences of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor engagement by various agonists in innate cells
The α7 acetylcholine receptor-initiated anti-inflammatory pathway can be stimulated by various stimuli. The endogenous innate cell α7nAChR ligand is acetylcholine that is produced by the vagus system in response to infection or other tissue insult (–172). The function of acetylcholine release is to limit an overly exuberant cytokine response to infection. Many therapeutic agents are under development that attempt to take advantage of this suppressive pathway (173). Eventually, such drugs may prove efficacious in the treatment of multiple inflammatory diseases and conditions, including septic shock, pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as periodontitis (–176). Cigarette smoke contains large amounts of a potent, exogenous α7nAChR agonist, nicotine (–178) (163). The primary stable metabolite of nicotine, cotinine, is also an efficient α7nAChR agonist (179). The consequences of α7nAChR engagement by acetylcholine, pharmaceutical agents or nicotine/cotinine is a suppression of the inflammatory response (, , –180). When triggered at the appropriate time, α7nAChR engagement would normally be beneficial. In the case of nicotine, it has been shown that α7nAChR engagement also results in the suppression of the oxidative burst (148, 181), a critical bacterial killing mechanism in phagocytic innate cells. Furthermore, nicotine-α7nAChR interactions may also stimulate the rapid release of matrix metalloproteinases and other proteolytic enzymes (148) (152) (182) from innate cells. Therefore, chronic, inappropriate nicotinic stimulation of innate α7nAChRs in smokers may increase susceptibility to infection with periodontal pathogens by supressing the inflammatory response and phagocytic killing required to fight infection. Additionally, increased protease release from nicotine-exposed innate cells may promote protease-protease inhibitor imbalances that contribute to the tissue remodelling apparent in periodontal diseases (183). Figure reproduced and text adapted from (146).


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