Substituting Lean Beef for Carbohydrate in a Healthy Dietary Pattern Does Not Adversely Affect the Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Profile in Men and Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Kevin C Maki, Meredith L Wilcox, Mary R Dicklin, Mary Buggia, Orsolya M Palacios, Cathleen E Maki, Melvyn Kramer, Kevin C Maki, Meredith L Wilcox, Mary R Dicklin, Mary Buggia, Orsolya M Palacios, Cathleen E Maki, Melvyn Kramer


Background: Observational evidence suggests that red meat intake is associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease incidence, but few randomized controlled trials have assessed effects of lean, unprocessed red meat intake on insulin sensitivity and other cardiometabolic risk factors.

Objective: This study compared the USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, low in saturated fat and red meat (<40 g/d red meat; USDA-CON), with a modified version with an additional 150 g/d lean beef as an isocaloric replacement for carbohydrate (USDA-LB) on insulin sensitivity and cardiometabolic risk markers.

Methods: Participants (7 men, 26 women; 44.4 y old) with overweight/obesity [BMI (kg/m2) = 31.3] and prediabetes and/or metabolic syndrome completed this randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial consisting of two 28-d treatments (USDA-CON and USDA-LB) separated by a ≥14-day washout. Insulin sensitivity (primary outcome variable), lipoprotein lipids, apolipoproteins (apoA-I and apoB), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (secondary outcome variables), in plasma or serum, and blood pressures were assessed at baseline and the end of each diet period.

Results: USDA-LB and USDA-CON did not differ significantly in effects on whole-body insulin sensitivity and other indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, lipoprotein lipids, apoA-I and apoB, hs-CRP, and blood pressures. USDA-LB produced a shift toward less cholesterol carried by smaller LDL subfractions compared with USDA-CON [least-squares geometric mean ratios for LDL1+2 cholesterol of 1.20 (P = 0.016) and LDL3+4 cholesterol of 0.89 (P = 0.044)] and increased peak LDL time versus USDA-CON (1.01; P = 0.008).

Conclusions: Substituting lean, unprocessed beef for carbohydrate in a Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern resulted in a shift toward larger, more buoyant LDL subfractions, but otherwise had no significant effects on the cardiometabolic risk factor profile in men and women with prediabetes and/or metabolic syndrome.This trial was registered at as NCT03202680.

Keywords: USDA; beef; carbohydrate metabolism; diet patterns; insulin sensitivity; lipoproteins; meat; metabolic syndrome; prediabetes.

Copyright © The Author(s) on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition 2020.


Flow diagram of subjects assessed for eligibility, excluded, randomized, and analyzed for the study. See Results section for a description of the subjects who terminated the study early. USDA-CON, a USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, as outlined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (5), containing


VAP assessment of change from…


VAP assessment of change from baseline of LDL peak time after 28-d intake…

VAP assessment of change from baseline of LDL peak time after 28-d intake of either the USDA-CON or the USDA-LB among subjects in the evaluable sample. n = 32. The line at 115.0 s represents the baseline value. Values are medians (interquartile limits). *Difference from USDA-CON from analysis of geometric mean ratios, P = 0.008. Least-squares geometric means (−1 SD, +1 SD) are 115 (113, 117) for USDA-CON and 116 (114, 118) for USDA-LB. USDA-CON, a USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, as outlined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (5), containing <40 g/d red meat; USDA-LB, a USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, as outlined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (5), modified to incorporate an additional 150 g/d of fresh/unprocessed lean beef to that of the USDA-CON diet, in place of carbohydrate, primarily refined starches; VAP, vertical auto profile.
VAP assessment of change from baseline of LDL peak time after 28-d intake of either the USDA-CON or the USDA-LB among subjects in the evaluable sample. n = 32. The line at 115.0 s represents the baseline value. Values are medians (interquartile limits). *Difference from USDA-CON from analysis of geometric mean ratios, P = 0.008. Least-squares geometric means (−1 SD, +1 SD) are 115 (113, 117) for USDA-CON and 116 (114, 118) for USDA-LB. USDA-CON, a USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, as outlined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (5), containing <40 g/d red meat; USDA-LB, a USDA Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern, as outlined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (5), modified to incorporate an additional 150 g/d of fresh/unprocessed lean beef to that of the USDA-CON diet, in place of carbohydrate, primarily refined starches; VAP, vertical auto profile.


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