Assessing COVID-19 vaccine literacy: a preliminary online survey

Luigi Roberto Biasio, Guglielmo Bonaccorsi, Chiara Lorini, Sergio Pecorelli, Luigi Roberto Biasio, Guglielmo Bonaccorsi, Chiara Lorini, Sergio Pecorelli


The COVID-19 infodemic can be countered by scientific evidence, clear and consistent communication, and improved health literacy of both individuals in need of information and those providing it. A rapid online survey was carried out to evaluate vaccine literacy (VL) skills in the general population and perceptions about COVID-19 vaccine candidates, along with behavior and beliefs about current vaccinations. Observed VL levels were consistent with previous observations - where comparable self-reported tools were administered face-to-face and by paper-and-pencil - the mean functional score being = 2.92, while the interactive-critical score was = 3.27, out of a maximum of 4. Perceptions regarding future COVID-19 vaccines, along with beliefs about vaccination, were mostly positive and significantly associated with functional and interactive-critical VL scales. Despite limitations, the study confirms that surveys via the web are a suitable method to evaluate and track attitudes during infectious disease outbreaks and assess health literacy skills about vaccination, which can be useful to adapt medical communication strategies, for a better understanding of the value of immunization.

Keywords: COVID-19; Online Surveys; Vaccine Literacy; Vaccination Beliefs.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): correlation circle between questions and components after Varimax rotation. Projection of the functional VL questions (Q1–Q4) and the interactive-critical VL questions (Q5–Q12) on two components (Factor 1 and Factor 2), representing 49.49% of the total variability. Variables close to each other were significantly positively correlated
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Observed functional Vaccine Literacy (VL) scores, visualized as mean and 95% C.I. (error bars), according to age groups
Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Observed interactive-critical Vaccine Literacy (VL) scores, visualized as mean and 95% C.I. (error bars), according to age groups


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