An update on aging and dementia in Chile

Patricio Fuentes, Cecilia Albala, Patricio Fuentes, Cecilia Albala


Chile is in an advanced demographic transition stage with the population over 60 years of age representing 15% of the total population and whose number of elderly has more than doubled between 1990 and 2014. Rapid economic advancement has promoted significant changes in social organization to which the country is not accustomed. The mental health problems of the elderly are particularly challenging to the country's present social and health structures. The prevalence of dementia in people over 60 years exceeds 8% and is even higher in the rural population. There is more training on dementia in the local medical and scientific community, increased awareness within the civilian community but insufficient responsiveness from the state to the broad diagnostic and therapeutic requirements of patients and caregivers. The objective of the present study was to provide an update of the information on dementia in the context of the ageing process in Chile.

Keywords: Chile; aging; dementia; demography; epidemiology.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Prevalence of dementia by years of education, Chile 2010.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Life expectancy at birth and estimated number of dementia cases. Chile 2002-2050


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