Lucas Freitas de Oliveira, Caroline Gewehr Tisott, Diego Machado Silvano, Camila Mafalda Mouta Campos, Ricardo Reis do Nascimento, Lucas Freitas de Oliveira, Caroline Gewehr Tisott, Diego Machado Silvano, Camila Mafalda Mouta Campos, Ricardo Reis do Nascimento


Although there is no indication for surgery taking only into account the glycemic condition, results have shown that benefits can be obtained in glycemic control with bariatric surgery.

Aim: To compare the glycemic behavior among type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic patients within 48 h after bariatric surgery, and clarify whether there is a reduction in blood glucose level in obese patients with diabetes before the loss of weight excess.

Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study with prospective cohort design with 31 obese patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. The patients were controlled with hemoglucotests in different periods of time: preoperative, postoperative and each 6 h after surgery for 48 h.

Results: Average ambulatory blood glucose in diabetics was 120.7±2.9 mg/dl vs 91.8±13.9 mg/dl in the nondiabetic. After 48 h there was decrease in diabetics to 100.0±17.0 mg/dl (p=0.003), while the non-diabetic group did not change significantly (102.7±25.4 mg/dl; p=0.097). There were no differences between the surgical techniques. There were no death.

Conclusions: Diabetic patients significantly reduced blood glucose after surgery regardless of the use of exogenous insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of interest: none


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