Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people

Lee Hooper, Asmaa Abdelhamid, Natalie J Attreed, Wayne W Campbell, Adam M Channell, Philippe Chassagne, Kennith R Culp, Stephen J Fletcher, Matthew B Fortes, Nigel Fuller, Phyllis M Gaspar, Daniel J Gilbert, Adam C Heathcote, Mohannad W Kafri, Fumiko Kajii, Gregor Lindner, Gary W Mack, Janet C Mentes, Paolo Merlani, Rowan A Needham, Marcel G M Olde Rikkert, Andreas Perren, James Powers, Sheila C Ranson, Patrick Ritz, Anne M Rowat, Fredrik Sjöstrand, Alexandra C Smith, Jodi J D Stookey, Nancy A Stotts, David R Thomas, Angela Vivanti, Bonnie J Wakefield, Nana Waldréus, Neil P Walsh, Sean Ward, John F Potter, Paul Hunter, Lee Hooper, Asmaa Abdelhamid, Natalie J Attreed, Wayne W Campbell, Adam M Channell, Philippe Chassagne, Kennith R Culp, Stephen J Fletcher, Matthew B Fortes, Nigel Fuller, Phyllis M Gaspar, Daniel J Gilbert, Adam C Heathcote, Mohannad W Kafri, Fumiko Kajii, Gregor Lindner, Gary W Mack, Janet C Mentes, Paolo Merlani, Rowan A Needham, Marcel G M Olde Rikkert, Andreas Perren, James Powers, Sheila C Ranson, Patrick Ritz, Anne M Rowat, Fredrik Sjöstrand, Alexandra C Smith, Jodi J D Stookey, Nancy A Stotts, David R Thomas, Angela Vivanti, Bonnie J Wakefield, Nana Waldréus, Neil P Walsh, Sean Ward, John F Potter, Paul Hunter


Background: There is evidence that water-loss dehydration is common in older people and associated with many causes of morbidity and mortality. However, it is unclear what clinical symptoms, signs and tests may be used to identify early dehydration in older people, so that support can be mobilised to improve hydration before health and well-being are compromised.

Objectives: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of state (one time), minimally invasive clinical symptoms, signs and tests to be used as screening tests for detecting water-loss dehydration in older people by systematically reviewing studies that have measured a reference standard and at least one index test in people aged 65 years and over. Water-loss dehydration was defined primarily as including everyone with either impending or current water-loss dehydration (including all those with serum osmolality ≥ 295 mOsm/kg as being dehydrated).

Search methods: Structured search strategies were developed for MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE (OvidSP), CINAHL, LILACS, DARE and HTA databases (The Cochrane Library), and the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). Reference lists of included studies and identified relevant reviews were checked. Authors of included studies were contacted for details of further studies.

Selection criteria: Titles and abstracts were scanned and all potentially relevant studies obtained in full text. Inclusion of full text studies was assessed independently in duplicate, and disagreements resolved by a third author. We wrote to authors of all studies that appeared to have collected data on at least one reference standard and at least one index test, and in at least 10 people aged ≥ 65 years, even where no comparative analysis has been published, requesting original dataset so we could create 2 x 2 tables.

Data collection and analysis: Diagnostic accuracy of each test was assessed against the best available reference standard for water-loss dehydration (serum or plasma osmolality cut-off ≥ 295 mOsm/kg, serum osmolarity or weight change) within each study. For each index test study data were presented in forest plots of sensitivity and specificity. The primary target condition was water-loss dehydration (including either impending or current water-loss dehydration). Secondary target conditions were intended as current (> 300 mOsm/kg) and impending (295 to 300 mOsm/kg) water-loss dehydration, but restricted to current dehydration in the final review.We conducted bivariate random-effects meta-analyses (Stata/IC, StataCorp) for index tests where there were at least four studies and study datasets could be pooled to construct sensitivity and specificity summary estimates. We assigned the same approach for index tests with continuous outcome data for each of three pre-specified cut-off points investigated.Pre-set minimum sensitivity of a useful test was 60%, minimum specificity 75%. As pre-specifying three cut-offs for each continuous test may have led to missing a cut-off with useful sensitivity and specificity, we conducted post-hoc exploratory analyses to create receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves where there appeared some possibility of a useful cut-off missed by the original three. These analyses enabled assessment of which tests may be worth assessing in further research. A further exploratory analysis assessed the value of combining the best two index tests where each had some individual predictive ability.

Main results: There were few published studies of the diagnostic accuracy of state (one time), minimally invasive clinical symptoms, signs or tests to be used as screening tests for detecting water-loss dehydration in older people. Therefore, to complete this review we sought, analysed and included raw datasets that included a reference standard and an index test in people aged ≥ 65 years.We included three studies with published diagnostic accuracy data and a further 21 studies provided datasets that we analysed. We assessed 67 tests (at three cut-offs for each continuous outcome) for diagnostic accuracy of water-loss dehydration (primary target condition) and of current dehydration (secondary target condition).Only three tests showed any ability to diagnose water-loss dehydration (including both impending and current water-loss dehydration) as stand-alone tests: expressing fatigue (sensitivity 0.71 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.96), specificity 0.75 (95% CI 0.63 to 0.85), in one study with 71 participants, but two additional studies had lower sensitivity); missing drinks between meals (sensitivity 1.00 (95% CI 0.59 to 1.00), specificity 0.77 (95% CI 0.64 to 0.86), in one study with 71 participants) and BIA resistance at 50 kHz (sensitivities 1.00 (95% CI 0.48 to 1.00) and 0.71 (95% CI 0.44 to 0.90) and specificities of 1.00 (95% CI 0.69 to 1.00) and 0.80 (95% CI 0.28 to 0.99) in 15 and 22 people respectively for two studies, but with sensitivities of 0.54 (95% CI 0.25 to 0.81) and 0.69 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.79) and specificities of 0.50 (95% CI 0.16 to 0.84) and 0.19 (95% CI 0.17 to 0.21) in 21 and 1947 people respectively in two other studies). In post-hoc ROC plots drinks intake, urine osmolality and axillial moisture also showed limited diagnostic accuracy. No test was consistently useful in more than one study.Combining two tests so that an individual both missed some drinks between meals and expressed fatigue was sensitive at 0.71 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.96) and specific at 0.92 (95% CI 0.83 to 0.97).There was sufficient evidence to suggest that several stand-alone tests often used to assess dehydration in older people (including fluid intake, urine specific gravity, urine colour, urine volume, heart rate, dry mouth, feeling thirsty and BIA assessment of intracellular water or extracellular water) are not useful, and should not be relied on individually as ways of assessing presence or absence of dehydration in older people.No tests were found consistently useful in diagnosing current water-loss dehydration.

Authors' conclusions: There is limited evidence of the diagnostic utility of any individual clinical symptom, sign or test or combination of tests to indicate water-loss dehydration in older people. Individual tests should not be used in this population to indicate dehydration; they miss a high proportion of people with dehydration, and wrongly label those who are adequately hydrated.Promising tests identified by this review need to be further assessed, as do new methods in development. Combining several tests may improve diagnostic accuracy.

Conflict of interest statement

  1. Asmaa Abdelhamid: none known

  2. Natalie J Attreed: none known

  3. Wayne W Campbell: none Known

  4. Adam M Channell: none known

  5. Philippe Chassagne: none known

  6. Kennith R Culp: none known

  7. Stephen J Fletcher: none known

  8. Matthew B Fortes: none known

  9. Nigel Fuller: none known

  10. Phyllis M Gaspar: none of the consulting or research funding received presents a potential conflict of interest

  11. Daniel J: Gilbert: none known

  12. Adam C Heathcote: none known

  13. Lee Hooper: LH's institution has received funding to allow her and her PhD student to investigate dehydration in older people ‐ this primary research follows on from this systematic review.

  14. Paul R Hunter: PRH has been chair of the executive board of the Institute of Public Health and Water Research, Chicago, and was chair of the Science Advisory Council for Suez Environment until 2010. He has also given expert medical opinion in relation to outbreaks of waterborne disease

  15. Mohannad W Kafri: none known

  16. Fumiko Kajii: none known

  17. Gregor Lindner: none known

  18. Gary W Mack: The work reported in this project was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Aging

  19. Janet C Mentes: none known

  20. Paolo Merlani: none known

  21. Rowan A Needham: none known

  22. Marcel GM Olde Rikkert: none known

  23. Andreas Perren: none known

  24. John F Potter: none known

  25. James Powers: The work reported was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Bureau of Health Professions. Dr Powers has given lectures to educational seminars, provided expert legal testimony, and has served on the HealthSpring Pharmacy Advisory Committee.

  26. Sheila C Ranson: none known

  27. Patrick Ritz: the work I did that is included in this review was performed at a time when I had no relationship with any company involved in hydration

  28. Anne M Rowat: none known

  29. Fredrik Sjöstrand: none known

  30. Alexandra C Smith: none known

  31. Jodi JD Stookey: JDS has received unrestricted research funding from Nestle Waters and Danone Waters to study hydration status

  32. Nancy A Stotts: none known

  33. David R Thomas: Dr Thomas has given lectures to educational seminars, provided expert legal testimony, and is author of a textbook Geriatric Nutrition.

  34. Angela Vivanti: No money was paid, but airfares (Dietitians Association of Australia) and accommodation support (American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) were provided by professional associations to attend the International Nutrition and Dietetic Terminology meeting for eventual inclusion in SNOMED

  35. Bonnie J Wakefield: none known

  36. Nana Waldréus: none known

  37. Neil Peter Walsh: I have no conflicts of interest. HydraDx who funded some of the data collection we mention in the Cochrane review had no interest in the mentioned variables (tear fluid composition)

  38. Sean Ward: none known


Study flow diagram
Methodological quality summary: review authors' judgements about each methodological quality item for each included study.
ROC plots for drinks intake and fluid intake, for impending and for current dehydration. Better diagnostic accuracy (with sensitivity of at least 60% and specificity of at least 85%) is represented by a line falling within the grey‐outlined oblong in the top left hand corner of each plot. For a clear introduction to the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and other measures, and interpretation of ROC plots see Linnet 2012 (downloadable from
ROC plots for urine specific gravity and urine colour, for impending and for current dehydration. Better diagnostic accuracy (with sensitivity of at least 60% and specificity of at least 85%) is represented by a line falling within the grey‐outlined oblong in the top left hand corner of each plot. For a clear introduction to the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and other measures, and interpretation of ROC plots see Linnet 2012 (downloadable from
ROC plots for urine osmolality and urine output, for impending and for current dehydration. Better diagnostic accuracy (with sensitivity of at least 60% and specificity of at least 85%) is represented by a line falling within the grey‐outlined oblong in the top left hand corner of each plot. For a clear introduction to the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and other measures, and interpretation of ROC plots see Linnet 2012 (downloadable from
ROC plots for tests of dehydration and BIA resistance at 50kHz, for impending and for current dehydration. Better diagnostic accuracy (with sensitivity of at least 60% and specificity of at least 85%) is represented by a line falling within the grey‐outlined oblong in the top left hand corner of each plot. For a clear introduction to the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and other measures, and interpretation of ROC plots see Linnet 2012 (downloadable from
ROC plots for BIA total body water (TBW), intra‐cellular water (ICW) and extra‐cellular water (ECW) as % of body weight for impending dehydration and for BIA total body water as % body weight for current dehydration. Better diagnostic accuracy (with sensitivity of at least 60% and specificity of at least 85%) is represented by a line falling within the grey‐outlined oblong in the top left hand corner of each plot. For a clear introduction to the concepts of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and other measures, and interpretation of ROC plots see Linnet 2012 (downloadable from
1. Test
1. Test
Drinks intake 295: very low.
2. Test
2. Test
Drinks intake 295: low.
3. Test
3. Test
Drinks intake 295: moderate.
4. Test
4. Test
Drinks intake 295: standard.
5. Test
5. Test
Fluid intake 295: very low.
6. Test
6. Test
Fluid intake 295: low.
7. Test
7. Test
Fluid intake 295: moderate.
8. Test
8. Test
Misses drinks between meals 295.
9. Test
9. Test
Misses drinks at meals 295.
10. Test
10. Test
Urine volume 295:

11. Test

Urine volume 295:

11. Test

Urine volume 295:

11. Test
Urine volume 295:

12. Test

Urine volume 295:

12. Test

Urine volume 295:

12. Test
Urine volume 295:

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test
Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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11. Test
11. Test
Urine volume 295:

12. Test

Urine volume 295:

12. Test

Urine volume 295:

12. Test
Urine volume 295:

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test
Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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12. Test
12. Test
Urine volume 295:

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test

Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

13. Test
Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

14. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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13. Test
13. Test
Urine volume 295: fluid recommendations.
14. Test
14. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

15. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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15. Test
15. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test

Urine volume (daytime) 295:

16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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16. Test
16. Test
Urine volume (daytime) 295:

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450…

17. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860…

18. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270…

19. Test

Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

20. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

21. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥…

22. Test

Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

23. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

24. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥…

25. Test

Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test

Nocturnal polyuria 295.

26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test

Fluid balance 295:

27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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17. Test
17. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 450 mL/night.
18. Test
18. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 860 mL/night.
19. Test
19. Test
Urine volume (night) 295: > 1270 mL/night.
20. Test
20. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 11/d.
21. Test
21. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 7/d.
22. Test
22. Test
Urine voids (daytime) 295: ≥ 4/d.
23. Test
23. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 1.5/night.
24. Test
24. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 2.6/night.
25. Test
25. Test
Urine voids (night) 295: ≥ 4.1/night.
26. Test
26. Test
Nocturnal polyuria 295.
27. Test
27. Test
Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test

Fluid balance 295:

28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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28. Test
28. Test
Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test

Fluid balance 295:

29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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29. Test
29. Test
Fluid balance 295:

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test

USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test

Urine colour 295: > 6.

33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test

Urine colour 295: > 4.

34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test

Urine colour 295: > 2.

35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test

Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test

Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test

Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test

Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test

Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test

Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test

Orthostatic hypotension 295.

45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2…

46. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2 o C.

46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8…

47. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8 o C.

47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2…

48. Test

Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2 o C.

48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295:…

49. Test

Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

50. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295:…

51. Test

Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥…

52. Test

Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥…

53. Test

Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295:…

54. Test

Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

55. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

56. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥…

57. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test

Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295:…

59. Test

Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4…

60. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3…

61. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test

Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test

Dry axilla by touch 295.

63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

64. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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30. Test
30. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.035.
31. Test
31. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.028.
32. Test
32. Test
USG 295: ≥ 1.020.
33. Test
33. Test
Urine colour 295: > 6.
34. Test
34. Test
Urine colour 295: > 4.
35. Test
35. Test
Urine colour 295: > 2.
36. Test
36. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 1000 mOsm/kg.
37. Test
37. Test
Urine osmolality 29, > 800 mOsm/kg.
38. Test
38. Test
Urine osmolality 295: > 600 mOsm/kg.
39. Test
39. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 324 mOsm/L.
40. Test
40. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 316 mOsm/L.
41. Test
41. Test
Tear osmolarity 295: > 310 mOsm/L.
42. Test
42. Test
Heart rate 295: ≥120 BPM.
43. Test
43. Test
Heart rate 295: 100 BPM.
44. Test
44. Test
Heart rate 295: 80 BPM.
45. Test
45. Test
Orthostatic hypotension 295.
46. Test
46. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 38.2oC.
47. Test
47. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 36.8oC.
48. Test
48. Test
Body temperature 295: ≥ 33.2oC.
49. Test
49. Test
Skin turgor, anterior forearm 295: ≥3 sec.
50. Test
50. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: ≥3 sec.
51. Test
51. Test
Skin turgor, anterior thigh 295: abnormal.
52. Test
52. Test
Skin turgor, subclavicular 295: ≥ 3 sec.
53. Test
53. Test
Skin turgor, sternum 295: ≥ 3 sec.
54. Test
54. Test
Skin turgor, anterior chest 295: slow.
55. Test
55. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 4 sec.
56. Test
56. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 3 sec.
57. Test
57. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: ≥ 1 sec.
58. Test
58. Test
Skin turgor, hand 295: abnormal.
59. Test
59. Test
Skin turgor, site unspecified 295: abnormal.
60. Test
60. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 4 sec.
61. Test
61. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥ 3 sec.
62. Test
62. Test
Capillary refill 295: ≥2 sec.
63. Test
63. Test
Dry axilla by touch 295.
64. Test
64. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

65. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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65. Test
65. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:…

66. Test

Dry axilla by meter 295:

66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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66. Test
66. Test
Dry axilla by meter 295:

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test

Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test

MMSE 295:

70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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67. Test
67. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ coma.
68. Test
68. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ stupor.
69. Test
69. Test
Consciousness level 295: ≥ obsessed.
70. Test
70. Test
MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test

MMSE 295:

71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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71. Test
71. Test
MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test

MMSE 295:

72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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72. Test
72. Test
MMSE 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test

Neecham 295:

73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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73. Test
73. Test
Neecham 295:

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test

Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test

Neecham 295:

75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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74. Test
74. Test
Neecham 295: ≤ 24.
75. Test
75. Test
Neecham 295:

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test

Tiredness 295: severe.

76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test

Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test

Fatigue 295: any.

78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test

Lassitude 295.

79. Test
Lassitude 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test

Feels dull 295.

80. Test
Feels dull 295.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test

Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test

Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test

Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test

Tongue dry 295: severe.

87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

88. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

89. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295:…

90. Test

BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

91. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

92. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295:…

93. Test

BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

94. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

95. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295:…

96. Test

BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test

BIA TBW 295:

97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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76. Test
76. Test
Tiredness 295: severe.
77. Test
77. Test
Tiredness 295: moderate or severe.
78. Test
78. Test
Fatigue 295: any.
79. Test
79. Test
Lassitude 295.
80. Test
80. Test
Feels dull 295.
81. Test
81. Test
Dry oral mucosa 295: cheek.
82. Test
82. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ mild.
83. Test
83. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ moderate.
84. Test
84. Test
Tongue furrows 295: ≥ severe.
85. Test
85. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ mild.
86. Test
86. Test
Tongue dry 295: ≥ moderate.
87. Test
87. Test
Tongue dry 295: severe.
88. Test
88. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.
89. Test
89. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.
90. Test
90. Test
BIA resistance 50 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.
91. Test
91. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.
92. Test
92. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.
93. Test
93. Test
BIA resistance 100 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.
94. Test
94. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 550 ohm.
95. Test
95. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 450 ohm.
96. Test
96. Test
BIA resistance 200 kHz 295: ≥ 350 ohm.
97. Test
97. Test
BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test

BIA TBW 295:

98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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98. Test
98. Test
BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test

BIA TBW 295:

99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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99. Test
99. Test
BIA TBW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test

BIA ICW 295:

100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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100. Test
100. Test
BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test

BIA ICW 295:

101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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101. Test
101. Test
BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test

BIA ICW 295:

102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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102. Test
102. Test
BIA ICW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test

BIA ECW 295:

103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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103. Test
103. Test
BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test

BIA ECW 295:

104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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104. Test
104. Test
BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test

BIA ECW 295:

105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

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105. Test
105. Test
BIA ECW 295:

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test

Insufficient tears 295.

106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated…

107. Test

Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test

Oral thickener used 295.

108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test

Oral fluid without thickener 295.

109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test

Lips dry 295.

110. Test
Lips dry 295.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test

Dry mouth 295: severe.

111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or…

112. Test

Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test

Dry mouth 295: any.

113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test

Unable to spit 295.

114. Test
Unable to spit 295.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥…

116. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild…

117. Test

Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test

Thirsty 295: any degree.

118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test

Tongue smarts 295.

119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test

Mouth smarts 295.

120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test

Sticky saliva 295.

121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test

Sticky mouth 295.

122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test

Blue lips 295.

123. Test
Blue lips 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test

Sunken eyes 295.

124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test

Bed sores 295.

125. Test
Bed sores 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test

Swallowing problems 295.

126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test

Enjoyment of food 295.

127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test

Appetite 295.

128. Test
Appetite 295.

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

129. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

130. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5…

131. Test

Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

132. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

133. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS…

134. Test

Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.

135. Test


135. Test


135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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106. Test
106. Test
Insufficient tears 295.
107. Test
107. Test
Insufficient tears or not tolerated 295.
108. Test
108. Test
Oral thickener used 295.
109. Test
109. Test
Oral fluid without thickener 295.
110. Test
110. Test
Lips dry 295.
111. Test
111. Test
Dry mouth 295: severe.
112. Test
112. Test
Dry mouth 295: moderate or severe.
113. Test
113. Test
Dry mouth 295: any.
114. Test
114. Test
Unable to spit 295.
115. Test
115. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: severe.
116. Test
116. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: ≥ moderate.
117. Test
117. Test
Thirst VAS rating 295: mild plus.
118. Test
118. Test
Thirsty 295: any degree.
119. Test
119. Test
Tongue smarts 295.
120. Test
120. Test
Mouth smarts 295.
121. Test
121. Test
Sticky saliva 295.
122. Test
122. Test
Sticky mouth 295.
123. Test
123. Test
Blue lips 295.
124. Test
124. Test
Sunken eyes 295.
125. Test
125. Test
Bed sores 295.
126. Test
126. Test
Swallowing problems 295.
127. Test
127. Test
Enjoyment of food 295.
128. Test
128. Test
Appetite 295.
129. Test
129. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 12.
130. Test
130. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 6.
131. Test
131. Test
Dry eye severity by DEQ‐5 295: > 3.
132. Test
132. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 5.0 cm.
133. Test
133. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 1.1 cm.
134. Test
134. Test
Dry eye severity by VAS 295: > 0.6 cm.
135. Test
135. Test

136. Test


136. Test


136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
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  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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136. Test
136. Test

137. Test


137. Test


137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
Update of
  • doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009647
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137. Test
137. Test

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test

Balance 295: severe.

138. Test
Balance 295: severe.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test

Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test

Balance 295: any degree.

140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test

Headache 295: severe.

141. Test
Headache 295: severe.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test

Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test

Headache 295: any degree.

143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test

Nausea 295: severe.

144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test

Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test

Nausea 295: any degree.

146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test

Muscle weakness 295: severe.

147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test

Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test

Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test

Dizziness 295: severe.

150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test

Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test

Dizziness 295: any degree.

152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test

Combined drinks AND fatigue.

153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test

Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.
All figures (161)
138. Test
138. Test
Balance 295: severe.
139. Test
139. Test
Balance 295: ≥ moderate.
140. Test
140. Test
Balance 295: any degree.
141. Test
141. Test
Headache 295: severe.
142. Test
142. Test
Headache 295: ≥ moderate.
143. Test
143. Test
Headache 295: any degree.
144. Test
144. Test
Nausea 295: severe.
145. Test
145. Test
Nausea 295: ≥ moderate.
146. Test
146. Test
Nausea 295: any degree.
147. Test
147. Test
Muscle weakness 295: severe.
148. Test
148. Test
Muscle weakness 295: ≥ moderate.
149. Test
149. Test
Muscle weakness 295: any degree.
150. Test
150. Test
Dizziness 295: severe.
151. Test
151. Test
Dizziness 295: ≥ moderate.
152. Test
152. Test
Dizziness 295: any degree.
153. Test
153. Test
Combined drinks AND fatigue.
154. Test
154. Test
Combined, drinks OR fatigue.

Source: PubMed
