Effect of personalised citizen assistance for social participation (APIC) on older adults' health and social participation: study protocol for a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT)

Mélanie Levasseur, Marie-France Dubois, Johanne Filliatrault, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Joanie Lacasse-Bédard, André Tourigny, Marie-Josée Levert, Catherine Gabaude, Hélène Lefebvre, Valérie Berger, Chantal Eymard, Mélanie Levasseur, Marie-France Dubois, Johanne Filliatrault, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Joanie Lacasse-Bédard, André Tourigny, Marie-Josée Levert, Catherine Gabaude, Hélène Lefebvre, Valérie Berger, Chantal Eymard


Introduction: The challenges of global ageing and the growing burden of chronic diseases require innovative interventions acting on health determinants like social participation. Many older adults do not have equitable opportunities to achieve full social participation, and interventions might underempower their personal and environmental resources and only reach a minority. To optimise current practices, the Accompagnement-citoyen Personnalisé d'Intégration Communautaire (APIC), an intervention demonstrated as being feasible and having positive impacts, needs further evaluation.

Methods and analysis: A pragmatic multicentre, prospective, two-armed, randomised controlled trial will evaluate: (1) the short-term and long-term effects of the APIC on older adults' health, social participation, life satisfaction and healthcare services utilisation and (2) its cost-effectiveness. A total of 376 participants restricted in at least one instrumental activity of daily living and living in three large cities in the province of Quebec, Canada, will be randomly assigned to the experimental or control group using a centralised computer-generated random number sequence procedure. The experimental group will receive weekly 3-hour personalised stimulation sessions given by a trained volunteer over the first 12 months. Sessions will encourage empowerment, gradual mobilisation of personal and environmental resources and community integration. The control group will receive the publicly funded universal healthcare services available to all Quebecers. Over 2 years (baseline and 12, 18 and 24 months later), self-administered questionnaires will assess physical and mental health (primary outcome; version 2 of the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey, converted to SF-6D utility scores for quality-adjusted life years), social participation (Social Participation Scale) and life satisfaction (Life Satisfaction Index-Z). Healthcare services utilisation will be recorded and costs of each intervention calculated.

Ethics and dissemination: The Research Ethics Committee of the CIUSSS Estrie - CHUS has approved the study (MP-31-2018-2424). An informed consent form will be read and signed by all study participants. Findings will be published and presented at conferences.

Trial registration number: NCT03161860; Pre-results.

Keywords: community participation; cost-effectiveness; empowerment; intervention evaluation; social activity; social integration.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Study design. R, randomisation; X, assessment, TX, treatment (APIC). APIC, Accompagnement-citoyen Personnalisé d’Intégration Communautaire.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Personalised citizen assistance for social participation (APIC) logic model.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Trial Consort flow diagram. APIC, Accompagnement-citoyen Personnalisé d’Intégration Communautaire.


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