The Impact of COVID-19 Related Lockdown on Dental Practice in Central Italy-Outcomes of A Survey

Bruna Sinjari, Imena Rexhepi, Manlio Santilli, Gianmaria D Addazio, Piero Chiacchiaretta, Piero Di Carlo, Sergio Caputi, Bruna Sinjari, Imena Rexhepi, Manlio Santilli, Gianmaria D Addazio, Piero Chiacchiaretta, Piero Di Carlo, Sergio Caputi


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected lives and professions worldwide. We aimed to determine the behavior of dentists during the lockdown in Central Italy through an online survey. We demonstrated that the most frequent of urgencies, not otherwise manageable through telemedicine, was dental pulp inflammation. Although a statistically significant increase in the use of some of the personal protective equipment (PPE) from pre to during lockdown was shown, dentists were afraid of being infected during the dental procedures. Moreover, we showed that digital dentistry, telemedicine, use of the rubber dam, distancing of the appointments and further structural changes at the dental office are necessary to reduce the contagion among dentists and patients. No significant differences were shown between gender.

Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; contagion; dentistry.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Demographic characteristics of the participants grouped by sex and age.
Figure 2
Figure 2
The graph represents the perception of fear of being infected between males and females. The χ2 test showed no statistically significant differences between sex (n.s., p > 0.05).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Graphical representation concerning the use of phone triage in the dental office. No statistically significant differences were shown between males and females using the χ2 test (n.s., p > 0.05).
Figure 4
Figure 4
Comparison of filtering face piece (FFP) mask use before and during lockdown. The χ2 test showed highly statistically significant differences (**** p < 0.001).


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