Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation

Jeremy Hogeveen, Sukhvinder S Obhi, Michael J Banissy, Idalmis Santiesteban, Clare Press, Caroline Catmur, Geoffrey Bird, Jeremy Hogeveen, Sukhvinder S Obhi, Michael J Banissy, Idalmis Santiesteban, Clare Press, Caroline Catmur, Geoffrey Bird


The control of neurological networks supporting social cognition is crucially important for social interaction. In particular, the control of imitation is directly linked to interaction quality, with impairments associated with disorders characterized by social difficulties. Previous work suggests inferior frontal cortex (IFC) and the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) are involved in controlling imitation, but the functional roles of these areas remain unclear. Here, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was used to enhance cortical excitability at IFC and the TPJ prior to the completion of three tasks: (i) a naturalistic social interaction during which increased imitation is known to improve rapport, (ii) a choice reaction time task in which imitation needs to be inhibited for successful performance and (iii) a non-imitative control task. Relative to sham stimulation, stimulating IFC improved the context-dependent control of imitation-participants imitated more during the social interaction and less during the imitation inhibition task. In contrast, stimulating the TPJ reduced imitation in the inhibition task without affecting imitation during social interaction. Neither stimulation site affected the non-imitative control task. These data support a model in which IFC modulates imitation directly according to task demands, whereas TPJ controls task-appropriate shifts in attention toward representation of the self or the other, indirectly impacting upon imitation.

Keywords: imitation; inferior frontal cortex; mimicry; mirror system; temporoparietal junction; transcranial direct current stimulation.

© The Author (2014). Published by Oxford University Press.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
(A) Final frames of each trial in the imitation inhibition and inhibitory control tasks as well as the baseline condition. Note: Font size of the numerical cues is exaggerated for display purposes. Participants were instructed to respond with an index finger lift in response to the presentation of a 1 and a middle finger lift in response to presentation of a 2. (B) During the social interaction the confederate repeatedly touched her face. The degree of imitative behavior exhibited by the participant was analyzed as a function of brain stimulation.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Imitation inhibition was reduced by anodal stimulation of TPJ and IFC relative to sham stimulation while a closely matched inhibitory control task was not. Figure depicts the raw IE effects (i.e. incongruent IE—congruent IE), but in the formal analyzes baseline task performance was also controlled for (*indicates significance at P < 0.05).
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Face touches were performed significantly more in the IFC condition than the Sham condition following observation of face touching. For ease of interpretation, the raw data are depicted, but in the formal analyzes baseline behavior was also controlled for (*represents significance at P < 0.05).


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