Coronectomy of a lower third molar in combination with vital pulp therapy

Young-Bin Kim, Woo-Hee Joo, Kyung-San Min, Young-Bin Kim, Woo-Hee Joo, Kyung-San Min


Coronectomy is a procedure that intentionally spares the vital root after removal of the crown of the lower third molar to avoid damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. Vital pulp therapy is one option for managing exposed pulp tissue to reduce the risk of pulpal inflammation or necrosis. Among various dental materials, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been successfully used for vital pulp therapy. Thus, this case report discusses a coronectomy procedure in combination with vital pulp therapy using MTA. This case also attempts to highlight the formation of tertiary dentin, evidence of successful vital pulp therapy.

Keywords: Coronectomy; inferior alveolar nerve; mineral trioxide aggregate; tertiary dentin; vital pulp therapy.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Figure 1
Figure 1
(a) Preoperative radiography. (b) Radiograph after coronectomy. (c) Radiograph 4 months after coronectomy
Figure 2
Figure 2
Histologic observation of the capped pulp stained with hematoxylin and eosin 4 weeks after treatment with mineral trioxide aggregate (×100). P: Pulp space; DB: Dentin bridge


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Source: PubMed
