Association of children's toothbrushing and fine motor skills: a cross-sectional study

Ana Cristina Mafla, Ramiro José Benavides, Pierre Meyer, Nicolas Giraudeau, Falk Schwendicke, Ana Cristina Mafla, Ramiro José Benavides, Pierre Meyer, Nicolas Giraudeau, Falk Schwendicke


Fine motor skills (FMS) allow for the control and coordination of the distal musculature of hands and fingers, a skill required to brush teeth. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between FMS and toothbrushing efficacy. This cross-sectional study included 42 low-income Latino children aged 5 to 9 years from Pasto, Colombia. Toothbrushing efficacy was determined by the children's dental plaque Quigley-Hein Index (QH-I) mean-score difference from before and after toothbrushing. FMS were evaluated using the 5-15R parent evaluation, the spiral drawing Archimedes test, and a neurodevelopmental assessment of movements and prehension patterns during toothbrushing. A descriptive analysis was performed to assess the characteristics of FMS and children's toothbrushing, and a generalized linear model was used to determine associations between these skills and toothbrushing efficacy. Eighty-six percent of the children had at least one difficulty with FMS, and in 7%, they interfered with daily activities. Fourteen percent presented a moderate pattern in the Archimedes test, and 43% had inefficient prehension patterns. Toothbrushing reduced the QH-I by a mean of 1.45 (SD = 0.78-2.12) (p < 0.001). Toothbrushing efficacy was only significantly associated with age (mean-difference = -0.315, 95%CI: -0.481 to -0.148, p < 0.001). FMS and toothbrushing efficacy were not significantly associated. Other components of fine motor control should be analyzed to understand the kinetics of toothbrushing.

Source: PubMed
