Global Prevalence of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents During COVID-19: A Meta-analysis

Nicole Racine, Brae Anne McArthur, Jessica E Cooke, Rachel Eirich, Jenney Zhu, Sheri Madigan, Nicole Racine, Brae Anne McArthur, Jessica E Cooke, Rachel Eirich, Jenney Zhu, Sheri Madigan


Importance: Emerging research suggests that the global prevalence of child and adolescent mental illness has increased considerably during COVID-19. However, substantial variability in prevalence rates have been reported across the literature.

Objective: To ascertain more precise estimates of the global prevalence of child and adolescent clinically elevated depression and anxiety symptoms during COVID-19; to compare these rates with prepandemic estimates; and to examine whether demographic (eg, age, sex), geographical (ie, global region), or methodological (eg, pandemic data collection time point, informant of mental illness, study quality) factors explained variation in prevalence rates across studies.

Data sources: Four databases were searched (PsycInfo, Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) from January 1, 2020, to February 16, 2021, and unpublished studies were searched in PsycArXiv on March 8, 2021, for studies reporting on child/adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms. The search strategy combined search terms from 3 themes: (1) mental illness (including depression and anxiety), (2) COVID-19, and (3) children and adolescents (age ≤18 years). For PsycArXiv, the key terms COVID-19, mental health, and child/adolescent were used.

Study selection: Studies were included if they were published in English, had quantitative data, and reported prevalence of clinically elevated depression or anxiety in youth (age ≤18 years).

Data extraction and synthesis: A total of 3094 nonduplicate titles/abstracts were retrieved, and 136 full-text articles were reviewed. Data were analyzed from March 8 to 22, 2021.

Main outcomes and measures: Prevalence rates of clinically elevated depression and anxiety symptoms in youth.

Results: Random-effect meta-analyses were conducted. Twenty-nine studies including 80 879 participants met full inclusion criteria. Pooled prevalence estimates of clinically elevated depression and anxiety symptoms were 25.2% (95% CI, 21.2%-29.7%) and 20.5% (95% CI, 17.2%-24.4%), respectively. Moderator analyses revealed that the prevalence of clinically elevated depression and anxiety symptoms were higher in studies collected later in the pandemic and in girls. Depression symptoms were higher in older children.

Conclusions and relevance: Pooled estimates obtained in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic suggest that 1 in 4 youth globally are experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while 1 in 5 youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms. These pooled estimates, which increased over time, are double of prepandemic estimates. An influx of mental health care utilization is expected, and allocation of resources to address child and adolescent mental health concerns are essential.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Racine reported fellowship support from Alberta Innovates. Dr McArthur reported a postdoctoral fellowship award from the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Ms Cooke reported graduate scholarship support from Vanier Canada and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions outside the submitted work. Ms Eirich reported graduate scholarship support from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council. No other disclosures were reported.


Figure 1.. Forest Plots of the Pooled…
Figure 1.. Forest Plots of the Pooled Prevalence of Clinically Significant Depressive Symptoms in Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Contributing studies for clinically elevated depression symptoms are presented in order of largest to smallest prevalence rate. Square data markers represent prevalence rates, with lines around the marker indicating 95% CIs. The diamond data marker represents the overall effect size based on included studies.
Figure 2.. Forest Plots of the Pooled…
Figure 2.. Forest Plots of the Pooled Prevalence of Clinically Significant Anxiety Symptoms in Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Contributing studies for clinically elevated anxiety symptoms are presented in order of largest to smallest prevalence rate. Square data markers represent prevalence rates, with lines around the marker indicating 95% CIs. The diamond data marker represents the overall effect size based on included studies.


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