Aldosterone deficiency and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism prevent angiotensin II-induced cardiac, renal, and vascular injury

James M Luther, Pengcheng Luo, Zuofei Wang, Samuel E Cohen, Hyung-Suk Kim, Agnes B Fogo, Nancy J Brown, James M Luther, Pengcheng Luo, Zuofei Wang, Samuel E Cohen, Hyung-Suk Kim, Agnes B Fogo, Nancy J Brown


Angiotensin II causes cardiovascular injury in part by aldosterone-induced mineralocorticoid receptor activation, and it can also activate the mineralocorticoid receptor in the absence of aldosterone in vitro. Here we tested whether endogenous aldosterone contributes to angiotensin II/salt-induced cardiac, vascular, and renal injury by the mineralocorticoid receptor. Aldosterone synthase knockout mice and wild-type littermates were treated with angiotensin II or vehicle plus the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone or regular diet while drinking 0.9% saline. Angiotensin II/salt caused hypertension in both the knockout and wild-type mice, an effect significantly blunted in the knockout mice. Either genetic aldosterone deficiency or mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism reduced cardiac hypertrophy, aortic remodeling, and albuminuria, as well as cardiac, aortic, and renal plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 mRNA expression during angiotensin II treatment. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism reduced angiotensin II/salt-induced glomerular hypertrophy, but aldosterone deficiency did not. Combined mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism and aldosterone deficiency reduced blood urea nitrogen and restored nephrin immunoreactivity. Angiotensin II/salt also promoted glomerular injury through the mineralocorticoid receptor in the absence of aldosterone. Thus, mineralocorticoid antagonism may have protective effects in the kidney beyond aldosterone synthase inhibition.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) during regular chow (A) and spironolactone chow (B). Angiotensin (Ang) II increased SBP significantly in wild-type (WT) (○) and aldosterone synthase-deficient (As-/-) (▼) mice, but the blood pressure response was attenuated in As-/-. *P<0.05 vs. WT-vehicle; †P<0.05 vs. WT-Ang II.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Angiotensin (Ang) II increased cardiac mass (A) and caused cardiac interstitial fibrosis (B) and perivascular fibrosis (C) in wild-type (WT) mice. Cardiac hypertrophy was similarly abrogated in spironolactone (SPL)-treated and aldosterone synthase-deficient (As-/-) mice. Interstitial and perivascular fibrosis were attenuated and not significantly increased in SPL-treated WT mice and were prevented in aldosterone synthase-deficient (As-/-) mice. Representative images of cardiac perivascular fibrosis are shown for each treatment group (D); Masson-trichrome (400×), scale bar = 200μm. *P<0.05 vs. WT-vehicle; †P<0.05 vs. WT-Ang II.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Angiotensin (Ang) II increased aortic intima-media thickness (A) and adventitial thickness (B) in vehicle-treated wild-type (WT), but not in spironolactone (SPL)-treated or aldosterone synthase-deficient (As-/-) mice. Representative images are provided (C); Masson- trichrome stain (400×), scale bar =100μm. *P<0.05 vs. WT-vehicle, †P<0.05 vs. WT-Ang II.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Angiotensin (Ang) II caused an increase in BUN (A), albuminuria (B), and glomerular enlargement (C) in wild-type (WT) mice, and BUN elevation and glomerular enlargement in aldosterone synthase-deficient (As-/-) mice. Only combined spironolactone and genetic aldosterone deficiency reduced Ang II-induced BUN elevation. Spironolactone (SPL) prevented albuminuria in Ang II-treated WT mice. As-/- mice were also protected against Ang II-induced albuminuria. SPL prevented glomerular expansion, whereas aldosterone synthase deficiency did not. *P<0.05 vs. WT-vehicle; †P<0.01 vs. WT-Ang II; ‡P<0.05 vs. As-/--Vehicle; □P<0.05 vs. WT-Ang II-SPL; §P<0.05 vs. As-/--Ang II. BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Representative images of kidney histologic injury are shown for each treatment group (A); Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain. Angiotensin (Ang) II treatment decreased nephrin immunoreactivity (B) in wild-type (WT) and aldosterone synthase deficient (As-/-) mice. (400×), scale bars = 100μm.
Figure 6
Figure 6
Angiotensin (Ang) II treatment increased plasminogen activator inhibitor (Pai)-1 mRNA levels in cardiac (A), renal (B), and aortic (C) tissue in wild-type (WT) mice. Spironolactone (SPL) or genetic aldosterone synthase deficiency (As-/-) prevented this increase within the heart and aorta, and attenuated the effect within the kidney. *P<0.05 vs. WT-vehicle; †P<0.05 vs. WT-Ang II; ‡P<0.05 vs. As-/--Vehicle-SPL.


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