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Oral Nitrite and Nitrate in Healthy Normal Volunteer Adults

2018年8月31日 更新者:Kara Hughan、Gladwin, Mark, MD

An Open-Label Study of Oral Nitrite and Nitrate in Healthy Normal Volunteer Adults

This proposal hypothesizes that oral supplementation with sodium nitrite or nitrate will result in in vivo conversion of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to nitric oxide with limited toxicity in the doses proposed in healthy adult normal volunteers. We utilize a powerful in vivo technique (pharmacokinetic testing) and are the first to design inorganic nitrate and nitrite capsules for cardiovascular disease.



Preclinical and clinical research over the last decade has revealed the important vasoprotective effects of nitrates and nitrites with regards to reduction in blood pressure, vascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. New findings suggest an effect of nitrate and nitrite therapy in the regulation of glucose-insulin homeostasis. Development of an oral formulation of nitrate and nitrite salts is attractive, whereby nitrite would ensure rapid acting effects upon absorption, while the nitrate would continuously provide a slow formation of nitrite over a prolonged period of time via the enterosalivary circulation pathway.

For this reason, development of an oral formulation of nitrate and nitrite salts is attractive, whereby nitrite would ensure rapid acting effects upon absorption, while the nitrate would continuously provide a slow formation of nitrite over a prolonged period of time via the enterosalivary circulation pathway. This study aims to establish the pharmacokinetics, metabolism and interconversion of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to nitric oxide in vivo in healthy adult normal volunteers.



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  • 阶段1




    • Pennsylvania
      • Pittsburgh、Pennsylvania、美国、15213
        • Montefiore Hospital of UPMC





18年 至 60年 (成人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age 18-60 years
  • Systolic blood pressure ≤130 and diastolic blood pressure ≤85 mm Hg

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Positive urine pregnancy test or breastfeeding
  • Concurrent use of medications affecting glucose or lipid metabolism
  • Recent addition or change in dosing of hormonal contraceptive medications (oral contraceptive pill, intrauterine device, DepoProvera)
  • Current use of ≥2 anti-hypertensive agents regardless of blood pressure control or normotensive on a single agent
  • Current use of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors or organic nitrates
  • Not stable on treatments for the prior three months or not planning to remain on current dose of medications for blood pressure, contraception, etc
  • Known chronic psychiatric or medical conditions including diabetes, liver or kidney disease or obesity syndromes
  • Smoker





  • 主要用途:其他
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:交叉作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


实验性的:Oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate
Oral sodium nitrate 1,000 mg once first, then washout followed by oral sodium nitrite 20 mg once
15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrite 20 mg once
15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrate 1,000 mg once
实验性的:Oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrite
Oral sodium nitrite 20 mg once first, then washout followed by oral sodium nitrate 1,000 mg once
15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrite 20 mg once
15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrate 1,000 mg once



Peak Plasma Nitrate Concentration Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
"Post-doses" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
Peak Plasma Nitrite Concentration Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
"Post-doses" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
Peak Red Blood Cell (RBC) Iron-nitrosyl Hemoglobin (NO-Hb) Concentrations Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
"Post-doses" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15Nitrogen(15N)-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses


Peak Percentage Level of Methemoglobin Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
"Post-doses" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-doses
Peak Change in Mean Arterial Pressure Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 0.75 hours reported
"Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 0.75 hours reported
Peak Change in Systolic Blood Pressure Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 1.5 hours reported
"Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 1.5 hours reported
Peak Change in Diastolic Blood Pressure Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 0.75 hours reported
"Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline) then every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 0.75 hours reported
Peak 15Nitrogen Nitro-conjugated Linoleic Acid (cLA) Concentrations Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at time 0 (trough), every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose
"Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at time 0 (trough), every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose
Percent Platelet Activation at 6 Hours
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), 6 and 24 hours post-dose
at timepoint with greatest change from 0 (trough); "Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period; percentage of platelets that express 2 specific markers identifying activated platelets (CD41 and CD62-P) were quantified using flow cytometry
measured at 0 (baseline), 6 and 24 hours post-dose
Peak Change in Heart Rate Over 24 Hour Study Period
大体时间:measured at 0 (baseline), every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 1.5 hours for nitrate and 24 hours for nitrite
"Post-dose" refers to that subjects will receive a single dose of each study drug, oral 15N-labeled sodium nitrate and nitrite, in random order, separated by a 3-7 day washout period
measured at 0 (baseline), every 15 minutes during the first 2 hours post-dose, then at 3, 6, and 24 hours post-dose, change at 1.5 hours for nitrate and 24 hours for nitrite




  • 首席研究员:Kara S Hughan, MD、University of Pittsburgh
  • 研究主任:Mark T Gladwin, MD、University of Pittsburgh
  • 研究主任:Bret Goodpaster, PhD、University of Pittsburgh




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