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Evaluation of the Impact of the Presence of a Pharmacy Technician on the Quality and Cost of Drug Therapy (OPTI-PP)

2017年1月31日 更新者:Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nīmes

Evaluation of the Impact of the Presence of a Pharmacy Technician on the Quality and Cost of Drug Therapy in the Hepato-Gastroenterology Department of the Nîmes University Hospital

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the presence of a pharmacy technician in a care unit (Hepato-Gastroenterology Department) on detected medication errors.

This is a before-after study consisting of three sequential phases:

Month 1: one month of observation of what is happening in the department Month 2: one month wash out period Month 3: active participation of a pharmacy technician in the department



The secondary objectives of this study are:

A- To assess the impact of the presence of a pharmacy technician on the ratio of the number of patients with at least one medication error / number of included patients hospitalized in the service.

B- To characterize detected medication errors.

C- To identify and evaluate the potential causes of medication errors.

D- To evaluate whether the presence of a pharmacy technician reduces nursing time spent on medication management.

E- To evaluate the economic impact of the presence of a pharmacy technician.

F- To evaluate the acceptability of the intervention by the nursing staff and pharmacy technicians using questionnaires.



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      • Nîmes Cedex 09、法国、30029
        • CHRU de Nîmes - Hôpital Universitaire Carémeau





18年 及以上 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • The patient must be insured or beneficiary of a health insurance plan
  • The patient is hospitalized in the Hepato-Gastroenterology Department of the Nîmes University Hospital

Exclusion Criteria:

  • The patient is under judicial protection
  • The patient, or his/her legal guardian, expresses opposition to participation in the study
  • It is impossible to correctly inform the patient





  • 主要用途:预防
  • 分配:非随机化
  • 介入模型:交叉作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


有源比较器:1st observational period (before experimental intervention)

Patients in this arm are included during a first month of observation before the intervention is implemented.

Intervention: One month of department-wide observation

A pharmacy technician will be present full time in the care unit from Monday to Friday between 8:30 and 17h for 1 month for observational purposes only. During this phase, the pharmacy technician observes the current practices of preparation and administration of medication by nurses. He / she will collect medication errors and other observational data.
实验性的:2nd obs. period (during experimental intervention)

Following a one-month wash-out period, patients in this arm are included during a second month of observation during which the intervention is implemented.

Intervention: Pharm Tech participates in department

Following a 1 month wash-out period, a pharmacy technician will again be present full time (in practice, two technicians will relay each other) in the care unit from Monday to Friday between 8:30 and 17h for 1 month. He/she will actively take part in drug care activities in the department: management of product pathways, verification of injectable preparation, advice, etc. Medication errors and other observational data will be collected.



The following ratio (relative units): Number of medication errors / number of medications administered and omitted from among all those listed on the prescription for admission
大体时间:5 days
Primary Outcome Measure as given in protocol: Number of medication errors / number of medications administered and omitted from among all those listed on the prescription for admission (during month 1 versus during month 3).
5 days


Number of patients with at least one medication error / total number of hospitalized patients included in the service
大体时间:5 days
5 days
For each medication error: the name of the drug
大体时间:5 days
5 days
For each medication error: the type of error
大体时间:5 days

Errors are classifies as one of the following types:

Omission; Drug; Dosage form; Expired or damaged drug; Dose; Concentration; Frequency of administration; Administration technique; Route of Administration; Rate of administration; Duration of administration; Administration Time; Patient; Drug interaction.

5 days
For each medication error: the severity index
大体时间:5 days
5 days
For each medication error: when (which step) the error occurred during the drug pathway
大体时间:5 days

The considered steps are:

Writing the prescription Medical decision for the prescription Transcription Pharmaceutical analysis Deliverance Preparation / reconstitution Pillbox Administration Procurement Storage Compliance Therapeutic and clinical follow-up

5 days
For each medication error: the evolution of the adverse drug event, if occurred
大体时间:5 days
5 days
For each medication error: the criticality of the error
大体时间:5 days

Criticality is graded according to the following classes:

  1. C: no potential harm to the patient;
  2. D: treatment or increased monitoring without harm to the patient
  3. (E to I): potential harm to the patient

3E: treatment or surgery with temporary harm 3F: longer duration of hospitalization with temporary harm 3G: permanent harm 3H: involving a life-threatening harm 3I: death

Criticality is determined by the concordance of two, independent expert opinions; or, in case of discordance, the concordance of 2 out 3 expert opinions.

5 days
The potential causes of medication errors
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The average number of interruptions per hour during preparation or administration of drug doses by nurses
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of patients for whom personal treatments were managed by the nursing staff on admission / number of patients who brought their personal treatments to the care unit
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of patients for whom personal treatments were returned by the nursing staff at hospital discharge / number of patients who brought their personal treatments to the care unit
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: the preparation of individual doses
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: ordering health products
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: stock management and exceptional orders
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: the delivery, receipt and storage of health products
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: cabinet inventories
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Nursing staff time dedicated to: the management of expired drugs
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of calls made to the central pharmacy
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Staff time dedicated to managing exceptional requests
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of drugs consumed
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of medical devices consumed
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of immobilized drugs
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The number of immobilized medical devices
大体时间:5 days
5 days
The cost of adverse drug events care
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Care staff satisfaction questionnaire
大体时间:5 days
5 days
Pharmacy technician satisfaction questionnaire
大体时间:5 days
5 days




  • 研究主任:Géraldine Leguelinel-Blache, PharmD, PhD、Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Nimes


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  • LOCAL/2015/GL-01
  • 2015-A01309-40 (其他标识符:RCB number)

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