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Impact of Smoking Information on Concerns About Radon

2019年4月17日 更新者:Paul Windschitl
Despite a push for tailored messages, health communications are often aimed at, and viewed by, people with varying levels of risk. This project examined-in the context of radon risk messages-whether information relevant to high-risk individuals can have an unintended influence on lower-risk individuals. Specifically, the investigators assessed whether information about lung-cancer risk from smoking reduced concerns about lung-cancer risk from radon among nonsmokers. The investigators hypothesized that non-smokers who read a message that included smoking-relevant information would express less concern about the effects of radon exposure and less interest in testing their home compared to those who read a version in which smoking-relevant information was excluded. Two studies were conducted. Although the investigators did not exclude smokers, the focus was on participants self-identifying as nonsmokers (including never smokers and former smokers).



Despite a push for tailored messages, health communications are often aimed at, and viewed by, people with varying levels of risk. This project examined-in the context of radon risk messages-whether information relevant to high-risk individuals can have an unintended influence on lower-risk individuals. Specifically, the investigators assessed whether information about lung-cancer risk from smoking reduced concerns about lung-cancer risk from radon among nonsmokers. The investigators hypothesized that non-smokers who read a message that included smoking-relevant information would express less concern about the effects of radon exposure and less interest in testing their home compared to those who read a version in which smoking-relevant information was excluded. Two studies were conducted. Although the investigators did not exclude smokers, the focus was on participants self-identifying as nonsmokers (including never smokers and former smokers). Participants in both studies were recruited through Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Participants viewed radon messages that varied in the information they communicated about smoking's effect on lung cancer. In Study 1, smoking information was included or excluded from messages assembled from existing radon pamphlets. In Study 2, versions of a new radon message either excluded smoking information, described smoking as a major cause of lung cancer, or also described smoking's synergistic effect with radon on lung cancer risk. After viewing a radon health message, participants completed a variety of measures. Primary measures assessed respondents' anticipated sense of concern and related reactions if they learned that they/their home had been exposed to elevated levels of radon. Other key measures included questions about participants' interest and intention to test their home for radon.



注册 (实际的)



  • 不适用





18年 及以上 (成人、年长者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Live within the US
  • Have an Amazon Mechanical Turk account (website where online study was posted)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • None





  • 主要用途:预防
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:阶乘赋值
  • 屏蔽:单身的


有源比较器:Study 1: Radon&Smoking Synergistic/EPA
Participants viewed radon and smoking risk information taken from the EPA's pamphlet on the dangers of radon gas exposure.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from exposure to radon gas, smoking, and their synergistic effects. This intervention represents the type of information most commonly presented in radon risk communications.
Health information modeled after the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) pamphlet on radon risk.
有源比较器:Study 1: Radon&Smoking Synergistic/Idaho
Participants viewed radon and smoking risk information taken from Idaho's Department of Health and Human Welfare's pamphlet on the dangers of radon gas exposure.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from exposure to radon gas, smoking, and their synergistic effects. This intervention represents the type of information most commonly presented in radon risk communications.
Health information modeled after the Idaho Department of Health and Human Welfare's pamphlet on radon risk.
实验性的:Study 1: Radon Only / EPA
Participants viewed only radon risk information taken from the EPA's pamphlet on the dangers of radon gas exposure.
Health information modeled after the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) pamphlet on radon risk.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from radon exposure. No information about the risks for developing lung cancer associated with smoking or its synergistic effect with radon exposure are included.
实验性的:Study 1: Radon Only / Idaho
Participants viewed only radon risk information taken from Idaho's Department of Health and Human Welfare's pamphlet on the dangers of radon gas exposure.
Health information modeled after the Idaho Department of Health and Human Welfare's pamphlet on radon risk.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from radon exposure. No information about the risks for developing lung cancer associated with smoking or its synergistic effect with radon exposure are included.
实验性的:Study 2: Radon Only
Participants viewed a radon-only message that focused only on the effect of radon on lung-cancer risk.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from radon exposure. No information about the risks for developing lung cancer associated with smoking or its synergistic effect with radon exposure are included.
其他:Study 2: Radon and Smoking Isolated
Participants viewed a radon-and-smoking-isolated message that covered the individual effects of radon and of smoking on lung cancer, but without mentioning their synergistic effect.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from radon exposure and smoking. No information describing the synergistic effects of smoking and radon exposure on lung cancer risk are included.
有源比较器:Study 2: Radon & Smoking Synergistic
Participants viewed a radon-and-smoking-synergistic message that covered the individual effects of radon and of smoking but that also included information about their synergistic effect.
Participants viewed health information detailing the risks of developing lung cancer from exposure to radon gas, smoking, and their synergistic effects. This intervention represents the type of information most commonly presented in radon risk communications.



Conditional Concern Composite
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 1 minute)
Composite formed from 4 conditional questions assessing concern, perceived impact on risk and comparative risk, and threat--if exposed to radon
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 1 minute)
Interest in Testing Composite
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 2 minutes)
Composite formed from 2 questions assessing importance and intention to test home for radon
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 2 minutes)


Worry Elicited by Health Message
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 2 minutes)
Single question assessing worry elicited by the health communication material
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 2 minutes)
Likelihood Judgments about Lung Cancer
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Three items assessing perceived likelihood of developing lung cancer
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Elect to Leave Email for Raffle
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Participants given option to leave email address in case they won one of the 20 radon kits being raffled (Study 2).
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Elect to Read More
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Participants given option to be presented with more information at the end of the session about testing for radon (Study 2).
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Concern about Loved Ones If Exposed to Radon
大体时间:Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)
Rated how concerned they would be about loved ones if they learned their home had high radon (Study 2)
Immediately post-intervention (approx. 4 minutes)




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  • 201507727

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De-identified data and guide will be made available to other investigators upon request.

IPD 共享时间框架

Requested data will be made available upon publication of the project.

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Please contact corresponding author Dr. Paul Windschitl at paul-windschitl@uiowa.edu

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