A Review of Wearable Solutions for Physiological and Emotional Monitoring for Use by People with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Caregivers

Mohammed Taj-Eldin, Christian Ryan, Brendan O'Flynn, Paul Galvin, Mohammed Taj-Eldin, Christian Ryan, Brendan O'Flynn, Paul Galvin


The goal of real-time feedback on physiological changes, stress monitoring and even emotion detection is becoming a technological reality. People in their daily life experience varying emotional states, some of which are negative and which can lead to decreased attention, decreased productivity and ultimately, reduced quality of life. Therefore, having a solution that continuously monitors the physiological signals of the person and assesses his or her emotional well-being could be a very valuable tool. This paper aims to review existing physiological and motional monitoring devices, highlight their features and compare their sensing capabilities. Such technology would be particularly useful for certain populations who experience rapidly changing emotional states such as people with autism spectrum disorder and people with intellectual disabilities. Wearable sensing devices present a potential solution that can support and complement existing behavioral interventions. This paper presents a review of existing and emerging products in the market. It reviews the literature on state-of-the-art prototypes and analyzes their usefulness, clinical validity, and discusses clinical perspectives. A small number of products offer reliable physiological internal state monitoring and may be suitable for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is likely that more promising solutions will be available in the near future. Therefore, caregivers should be careful in their selection of devices that meet the care-receiver's personal needs and have strong research support for reliability and validity.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; challenging behavior; emotional monitoring; physiological monitoring; wearable devices.

Conflict of interest statement

Transcranial direct current stimulation


Figure 1
Figure 1
Proportion of products designed for general population vs. people with ASD.
Figure 2
Figure 2
The chart shows the proportion of reviewed commercial devices (in Section 4.2) and their type of validation, if validated.


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