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Bullying in Youth With Muscular Dystrophy and Congenital Myopathies

4. listopadu 2022 aktualizováno: Laura McAdam, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Assessing the Frequency and Experience of Bullying or Peer Victimization in Children With Muscular Dystrophy and Congenital Myopathies

Bullying is an epidemic in Canada, and rates may be underreported. Youth with a disability were more likely to be bullied that those without disabilities, specifically if the disability was visible. Research has been conducted on the prevalence and effects of bullying in youth with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, obesity, and chronic pain; however, there is a paucity of research involving youth with muscular dystrophy and congenital myopathies. The objectives of this study are to: (1) measure bullying frequency, (2) describe the types of bullying experiences; and (3) explore barriers and facilitators to dealing with bullying by youth with muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathies and their parents. The objectives will be met by an online survey and qualitative interviews of youth with muscular dystrophy and congenital myopathy and their parents.

Přehled studie



Detailní popis

Bullying is an epidemic in Canada. At least one in three Canadian youth report having been bullied. Bullying is defined as intentional aggressive behaviour with the intention to harm the victim. It is characterized by an imbalance of power between the perpetrator and the victim, and is often repetitive although it does not need to be. Studies have shown that youth with chronic illness or disability were more likely to be bullied that those without disabilities, specifically if the disability was visible. Research has been conducted on the prevalence and effects of bullying in youth with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, obesity, and chronic pain; however, there is a paucity of research involving youth with muscular dystrophy and congenital myopathies. The objectives of this study are to: (1) measure bullying frequency, (2) describe the types of bullying experiences; and (3) explore barriers and facilitators to dealing with bullying by youth and their parents. The objectives will be met using a cross-sectional, multi-centre, mixed methods approach. A survey will be administered online at a single time-point to youth and their parents. Then, purposefully selected participants and their parents will complete a qualitative interview.

Typ studie


Zápis (Aktuální)


Kontakty a umístění

Tato část poskytuje kontaktní údaje pro ty, kteří studii provádějí, a informace o tom, kde se tato studie provádí.

Studijní místa

    • Ontario
      • Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada, K1H 8L1
        • Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
      • Toronto, Ontario, Kanada, M4G 1R8
        • Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Kritéria účasti

Výzkumníci hledají lidi, kteří odpovídají určitému popisu, kterému se říká kritéria způsobilosti. Některé příklady těchto kritérií jsou celkový zdravotní stav osoby nebo předchozí léčba.

Kritéria způsobilosti

Věk způsobilý ke studiu

10 let až 19 let (Dítě, Dospělý)

Přijímá zdravé dobrovolníky


Pohlaví způsobilá ke studiu


Metoda odběru vzorků

Vzorek nepravděpodobnosti

Studijní populace

Youth with a muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathy diagnosis from the neuromuscular clinics at the study sites (Holland Bloorview and CHEO) will be invited to participate in the study. The youth's parents will also be invited to participate with their child.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathy diagnosis
  • 10-19 years old
  • Speaks and reads English or French

Exclusion Criteria:

  • N/A

Studijní plán

Tato část poskytuje podrobnosti o studijním plánu, včetně toho, jak je studie navržena a co studie měří.

Jak je studie koncipována?

Detaily designu

Co je měření studie?

Primární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
Demographics Form
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
This form was purposefully developed by the research team to capture characteristics such as age, gender, family demographics, schooling and academic success, muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathy diagnosis, comorbidities, physical function and mobility levels, and technology use. There is a participant version and a parent/guardian version.
Through study completion, 1 year
Bullying and Cyberbullying: Perpetrators, Victims and Witnesses Survey (B&C:PVWS)
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
An amended version of the B&C:PVWS, developed by Mishna et al., to identify bullying and cyberbullying experiences of victims and perpetrators. The survey examines types of bullying experiences (e.g., physical, verbal, social, sexual), the context in which bullying occurs (e.g., race, sexual orientation, disability), and the participant's response to bullying and cyberbullying (e.g., sadness, actions taken, etc.). Perspectives on bullying and cyberbullying, as well as thoughts on potential interventions are sought. Questions measuring experiences of bully victimization and perpetration had good internal consistency with Cronbach alphas of .77 and .71, respectively.
Through study completion, 1 year
Bullying Perspectives
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
A single question from The Bully Survey by Swearer et al. will be used to capture the youth participant's perspectives on bullying. They will be asked, "How much do you agree with each sentence?" on a 5-point scale (Totally false, somewhat false, both true and false, somewhat true, totally true).
Through study completion, 1 year
PedsQL(TM) 3.0 Neuromuscular Module
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
The PedsQL(TM) 3.0 Neuromuscular Module assesses quality of life on three scales: 1) About my neuromuscular disease (17 items), 2) Communication (3 items), and 3) About our family resources (5 items). Participants are asked to indicate how much of a problem each of the statements has been for them on a 5-point Likert scale (0 = Never through 5 = Almost Always). Raw item scores are scaled linearly for a total score out of 100. As well, scale scores can be computed as an average of the total scale score. A higher score indicates better health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Two versions will be used in this study: Child Report (8-12 years old) and Teenager Report (13-18 years old), along with parent reports for each of these versions. All versions being used can be found in Appendix R. The child self-report has exemplary reliability (α = .85).
Through study completion, 1 year
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
The KIDSCREEN-10 Index is a 10-item questionnaire developed to assess the HRQoL of children and young people 8-18 years old. Items in the questionnaire ask participants their thoughts on their health over the past week on a 5-point scale (Excellent, very good, good, fair, poor). Rasch analysis of raw scores provides a global unidimensional latent HRQoL score. Higher scores indicate better HRQoL. The KIDSCREEN-10 Index is reported to have good internal consistency (α = .82), and good test-retest reliability and stability (r = .73, ICC = .72).
Through study completion, 1 year
EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-being (EPOCH)
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
The EPOCH assesses five positive psychological characteristics (i.e., engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness and happiness) that may facilitate the well-being, physical health and other positive outcomes in adulthood. Participants are instructed to indicate how much a statement describes them on a 5-point scale (Almost never, sometimes, often, very often, almost always). There are four items for each of the five domains. The EPOCH has exemplary overall reliability (α = .92).
Through study completion, 1 year
Qualitative Interview
Časové okno: Through study completion, 1 year
Participants will be purposefully selected to complete a semi-structured qualitative interview based on their survey results. Criteria for qualitative interview selection will be based on diversity of gender, school level, muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathy diagnosis, mobility, bullying and cyberbullying victimization, etc. Participants will be asked to describe specific bullying experiences, motivations, perspectives, and getting help.
Through study completion, 1 year

Spolupracovníci a vyšetřovatelé

Zde najdete lidi a organizace zapojené do této studie.

Publikace a užitečné odkazy

Osoba odpovědná za zadávání informací o studiu tyto publikace poskytuje dobrovolně. Mohou se týkat čehokoli, co souvisí se studiem.

Obecné publikace

Termíny studijních záznamů

Tato data sledují průběh záznamů studie a předkládání souhrnných výsledků na ClinicalTrials.gov. Záznamy ze studií a hlášené výsledky jsou před zveřejněním na veřejné webové stránce přezkoumány Národní lékařskou knihovnou (NLM), aby se ujistily, že splňují specifické standardy kontroly kvality.

Hlavní termíny studia

Začátek studia (Aktuální)

22. ledna 2021

Primární dokončení (Aktuální)

1. září 2022

Dokončení studie (Aktuální)

1. září 2022

Termíny zápisu do studia

První předloženo

22. ledna 2021

První předloženo, které splnilo kritéria kontroly kvality

31. ledna 2021

První zveřejněno (Aktuální)

2. února 2021

Aktualizace studijních záznamů

Poslední zveřejněná aktualizace (Aktuální)

7. listopadu 2022

Odeslaná poslední aktualizace, která splnila kritéria kontroly kvality

4. listopadu 2022

Naposledy ověřeno

1. listopadu 2022

Více informací

Termíny související s touto studií

Plán pro data jednotlivých účastníků (IPD)

Plánujete sdílet data jednotlivých účastníků (IPD)?


Informace o lécích a zařízeních, studijní dokumenty

Studuje lékový produkt regulovaný americkým FDA


Studuje produkt zařízení regulovaný americkým úřadem FDA


Tyto informace byly beze změn načteny přímo z webu clinicaltrials.gov. Máte-li jakékoli požadavky na změnu, odstranění nebo aktualizaci podrobností studie, kontaktujte prosím register@clinicaltrials.gov. Jakmile bude změna implementována na clinicaltrials.gov, bude automaticky aktualizována i na našem webu .
