Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) in patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with bapineuzumab: a historical, prospective secondary analysis

H Michael Arrighi, Jerome Barakos, Frederik Barkhof, Donatella Tampieri, Clifford Jack Jr, Denis Melançon, Kristen Morris, Nzeera Ketter, Enchi Liu, H Robert Brashear, H Michael Arrighi, Jerome Barakos, Frederik Barkhof, Donatella Tampieri, Clifford Jack Jr, Denis Melançon, Kristen Morris, Nzeera Ketter, Enchi Liu, H Robert Brashear


Background: Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities due to haemosiderin deposition (ARIA-H) occur in patients with mild to moderate dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and have been reported with increased incidence in clinical trials of amyloid-lowering therapies under development for AD.

Objective: Our objective was to explore the relationship between the incidences of ARIA-H during treatment with placebo and different doses of bapineuzumab, a humanised monoclonal antibody directed against amyloid β.

Methods: Two neuroradiologists independently reviewed 2572 GRE/T2* MRI sequences from 262 participants in two phase two clinical trials of bapineuzumab and an open-label extension study. Readers were blinded to the participant's therapy, APOE ε4 genotype and medical history.

Results: Several risk factors for small ARIA-H <10 mm (microhaemorrhages) were identified: APOE ε4, bapineuzumab treatment, pre-existing small ARIA-H and use of antithrombotics. The HR (95%CI) for incident ARIA-H <10 mm associated with the number of APOE ε4 alleles was 11.9 (3.3 to 42.5) for 2 versus no alleles and 3.5 (1.0 to 12.0) for 1 versus no allele. The HR for bapineuzumab therapy was 3.5 (1.0 to 12.0); for the presence of baseline ARIA-H <10 mm, it was 3.5 (1.6 to 7.8), and for the use of antithrombotic agents it was 2.2 (1.0 to 4.8). The incidence rate for ARIA-H <10 mm was elevated only in the initial 6 months of active treatment and declined after this interval to a rate similar to that observed in the group treated with placebo.

Conclusions: ARIA-H represents a spectrum of MRI findings due to haemosiderin deposition that appears to be related to impaired vascular integrity. The increased risk for ARIA-H associated with APOE ε4 allele frequency, pre-existing ARIA-H, treatment with bapineuzumab and use of antithrombotic agents provides additional support for this hypothesis of loss of integrity of cerebral vessels due to amyloid burden.

Trial registration: NCT00112073 and NCT00606476.


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Figure 1
Figure 1
Total count on initial scan with a change from baseline in the number of amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 2

Crude rate ratios for incident…

Figure 2

Crude rate ratios for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 2
Crude rate ratios for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 3

HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging…

Figure 3

HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 3
HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related…

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in…

Figure 4
Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in an APOE ε4 homozygote patient with Alzheimer's dementia. (A) MRI at baseline showed no ARIA-H
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Figure 2
Figure 2
Crude rate ratios for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 3

HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging…

Figure 3

HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 3
HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related…

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in…

Figure 4
Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in an APOE ε4 homozygote patient with Alzheimer's dementia. (A) MRI at baseline showed no ARIA-H
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    1. Jeerakathil T, Wolf PA, Beiser A, et al. . Cerebral microbleeds: prevalence and associations with cardiovascular risk factors in the Framingham study. Stroke 2004;35:1831–5. 10.1161/01.STR.0000131809.35202.1b - DOI - PubMed
    1. Vernooji MW, van der Lugt A, Ikram MA, et al. . Prevalence and risk factors of cerebral microbleeds: the Rotterdam Scan Study. Neurol 2008;70:1208–14. 10.1212/01.wnl.0000307750.41970.d9 - DOI - PubMed
    1. Cordonnier C, van der Flier WM, Sluimer JD, et al. . Prevalence and severity of microbleeds in a memory clinic setting. Neurol 2006;66:1356–60. 10.1212/ - DOI - PubMed
    1. Hanyu H, Tanaka Y, Shimizu S, et al. . Cerebral microbleeds in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol 2003;250:1496–7. 10.1007/s00415-003-0245-7 - DOI - PubMed
    1. Nakata-Kudo Y, Mizuno T, Yamada K, et al. . Microbleeds in Alzheimer disease are more related to cerebral amyloid angiopathy than cerebrovascular disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;22:8–14. 10.1159/000092958 - DOI - PubMed
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Figure 3
Figure 3
HRs for incident amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H)

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related…

Figure 4

Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in…

Figure 4
Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in an APOE ε4 homozygote patient with Alzheimer's dementia. (A) MRI at baseline showed no ARIA-H
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    1. Vernooji MW, van der Lugt A, Ikram MA, et al. . Prevalence and risk factors of cerebral microbleeds: the Rotterdam Scan Study. Neurol 2008;70:1208–14. 10.1212/01.wnl.0000307750.41970.d9 - DOI - PubMed
    1. Cordonnier C, van der Flier WM, Sluimer JD, et al. . Prevalence and severity of microbleeds in a memory clinic setting. Neurol 2006;66:1356–60. 10.1212/ - DOI - PubMed
    1. Hanyu H, Tanaka Y, Shimizu S, et al. . Cerebral microbleeds in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol 2003;250:1496–7. 10.1007/s00415-003-0245-7 - DOI - PubMed
    1. Nakata-Kudo Y, Mizuno T, Yamada K, et al. . Microbleeds in Alzheimer disease are more related to cerebral amyloid angiopathy than cerebrovascular disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;22:8–14. 10.1159/000092958 - DOI - PubMed
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Figure 4
Figure 4
Example of changes in amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-haemosiderin (ARIA-H) seen on T2*/GRE MRI in an APOE ε4 homozygote patient with Alzheimer's dementia. (A) MRI at baseline showed no ARIA-H


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    1. Vernooji MW, van der Lugt A, Ikram MA, et al. . Prevalence and risk factors of cerebral microbleeds: the Rotterdam Scan Study. Neurol 2008;70:1208–14. 10.1212/01.wnl.0000307750.41970.d9
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