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Differences in Response to the Flu Vaccine Among Adults With HIV and Without HIV in Uganda

22 avril 2014 mis à jour par: Saad B. Omer, PhD, Emory University

Systems Biological Responses to Influenza Vaccination in an HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Adult Population in Kampala, Uganda

To use a systems biological approach to study the molecular signatures of innate and adaptive responses to vaccination in a HIV infected versus uninfected adult population in Kampala, Uganda.

Aperçu de l'étude

Description détaillée

This longitudinal, observational cohort study will be conducted at the Makerere University- Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, at the Mulago National Referral Hospital complex in Kampala Uganda. The study will consist of 2 groups. One group will consist of 25 healthy HIV uninfected adults and the other arm will consist of 35 HIV infected adults. Within the HIV infected arm there will be two groups, 25 HIV infected adults and 10 long term non-progressors. Vaccinees will receive a primary immunization at day 0, and blood samples will be obtained at days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 100 after immunization.

We will analyze the early molecular signatures (identified by microarray analyses, as well as by FACS analyses of innate immune cells and luminex analyses of cytokines and chemokines) that correlate and predict the later immune responses.

Type d'étude


Inscription (Réel)



  • N'est pas applicable

Contacts et emplacements

Cette section fournit les coordonnées de ceux qui mènent l'étude et des informations sur le lieu où cette étude est menée.

Lieux d'étude

      • Kampala, Ouganda
        • Makere University- Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, at the Mulago National Referral Hospital

Critères de participation

Les chercheurs recherchent des personnes qui correspondent à une certaine description, appelée critères d'éligibilité. Certains exemples de ces critères sont l'état de santé général d'une personne ou des traitements antérieurs.

Critère d'éligibilité

Âges éligibles pour étudier

18 ans et plus (Adulte, Adulte plus âgé)

Accepte les volontaires sains


Sexes éligibles pour l'étude


La description

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. For HIV uninfected group

    • Confirmation of HIV-1 infection from medical records
  2. For HIV infected on HAART group

    • Confirmation of HIV-1 infection from medical records
    • Participants must be on HAART for at least 6 months prior to enrollment
    • A CD4 T-cell count available in the last 6 months
    • CD4 T-cell count >350 cells/μL on the eligibility blood specimen
  3. Long-term non-progressor group

    • HIV infected for more than 7 years
    • No evidence of opportunistic infections in the medical records
    • Never received antiretroviral therapy (except anti-retrovirals for prevention of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV)
    • A CD4 T-cell count available in the last 6 months
    • CD4+ T-cell count slop of ≥0 cells/µl blood from entry into the MU-JHU cohort until the most recent available CD4+ T-cell count.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Current moderate or severe acute illness, history of fever or temperature ≥37.5oC within 48 hours prior to vaccination (participants can be re-evaluated at a subsequent visit)
  2. History of systemic disease, including: Guillain-Barré Syndrome; known hepatitis B, or hepatitis C infection; cardiac disease; uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (including gestational diabetes); chronic liver condition; clinically significant renal impairment; clinically significant neurological disorders; active TB within the last year; Cancer. This information will be based on self-reporting and (where possible) will be confirmed by hospital medical records
  3. Received immunoglobulin or other blood product within the preceding 3 months or expected receipt of blood products during the 3 months of follow-up
  4. History of anaphylactic hypersensitivity reactions to egg proteins (eggs or egg products), or any other component of the vaccine including traces (formaldehyde, octoxinol 9 (Triton X-100) and neomycin)
  5. History of severe reaction (including hypersensitivity) after receiving any vaccine
  6. Currently pregnant
  7. In the opinion of the study team it would be unsuitable for the study subjects to receive the vaccine or participate in the study.

Plan d'étude

Cette section fournit des détails sur le plan d'étude, y compris la façon dont l'étude est conçue et ce que l'étude mesure.

Comment l'étude est-elle conçue ?

Détails de conception

  • Objectif principal: Science basique
  • Répartition: Non randomisé
  • Modèle interventionnel: Affectation à un seul groupe
  • Masquage: Aucun (étiquette ouverte)

Armes et Interventions

Groupe de participants / Bras
Intervention / Traitement
Autre: HIV uninfected adults
25 HIV uninfected adults enrolled at the Mulago National Referral Hospital complex in Kampala, Uganda will receive seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®).
Administer seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®) and collect blood specimens at 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 100 days following vaccination.
Autre: HIV infected adults on HAART
25 HIV infected adults enrolled at the Mulago National Referral Hospital complex in Kampala, Uganda will receive seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®).
Administer seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®) and collect blood specimens at 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 100 days following vaccination.
Autre: HIV-infected long-term non-progressors
10 HIV-infected long-term non-progressor adults enrolled at the Mulago National Referral Hospital complex in Kampala, Uganda will receive seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®).
Administer seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®) and collect blood specimens at 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 100 days following vaccination.

Que mesure l'étude ?

Principaux critères de jugement

Mesure des résultats
Description de la mesure
In group and between group comparison of immune parameters and gene expressions that change significantly following vaccination with the seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®)
Délai: From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days post vaccination
Immune parameters or gene expressions that change significantly in groups over baseline post immunization and between the study groups will be analyzed. For immune parameters, we will use a two-sided paired t-test. Fold-change will be combined with the test p-value in a selection criterion as appropriate. The tentative selection criterion is p-value ≤ 0.01 and fold change ≥ 3. For the gene/miRNA expression data, we will use the method Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) with paired design to find differentially expressed genes. False discovery rate (FDR) will be used as selection criterion. The tentative selection criterion is FDR ≤ 0.1.
From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days post vaccination
Proportion of subjects achieving 4-fold or greater hemagglutination inhibition (HAI)antibody titer increases.
Délai: From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days following primary vaccination
Proportion of subjects in different study groups achieving 4-fold or greater hemagglutination inhibition (HAI)antibody titer increases will be tabulated at each time point (Days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 100) and plotted across time. Fisher's exact test will be used to make comparisons between the study groups.
From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days following primary vaccination
Calculating correlation coefficient between the immune parameter and vaccine immunogenicity, as measured by the humoral immune response against seasonal influenza.
Délai: From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days post vaccination
For immune parameters, we will calculate the correlation coefficient between the immune parameter and vaccine immunogenicity, as measured by the humoral immune response against seasonal influenza. The p-values associated with the correlation coefficients will be used to select immune parameters that are associated with the respective adaptive immune responses. The tentative selection criterion is p-value ≤ 0.01. For gene expression data, we will use the method Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) with quantitative outcome to identify genes that are significantly associated with the immune response. False discovery rate (FDR) will be used as selection criterion. The tentative selection criterion is FDR ≤ 0.1.
From baseline (Day 0) to 100 days post vaccination
Characterization of the gut microbiota to determine compositional differences between HIV-uninfected adults versus HIV-infected adults on HAART versus HIV-infected long-term non-progressors
Délai: From baseline (Day 0) to Day 28 post vaccination
Gut mircobiota will be characterized to determine what compositional differences exist between HIV-uninfected adults versus HIV-infected adults on HAARt versus HIV-infected long-term non-progressors at baseline (Day 0), Day 7 and Day 28 post vaccination
From baseline (Day 0) to Day 28 post vaccination
Correlation between microbiata status and the quality of immune response elicited in vaccinated individuals
Délai: From baseline (Day 0) to Day 28 post vaccination
Determine whether the status of the microbita correlates with the quality of immune responses elicited in vaccinated individuals
From baseline (Day 0) to Day 28 post vaccination

Collaborateurs et enquêteurs

C'est ici que vous trouverez les personnes et les organisations impliquées dans cette étude.



Les enquêteurs

  • Chercheur principal: Saad B Omer, MBBS,MPH,PhD, Emory Unversity

Publications et liens utiles

La personne responsable de la saisie des informations sur l'étude fournit volontairement ces publications. Il peut s'agir de tout ce qui concerne l'étude.

Publications générales

Dates d'enregistrement des études

Ces dates suivent la progression des dossiers d'étude et des soumissions de résultats sommaires à ClinicalTrials.gov. Les dossiers d'étude et les résultats rapportés sont examinés par la Bibliothèque nationale de médecine (NLM) pour s'assurer qu'ils répondent à des normes de contrôle de qualité spécifiques avant d'être publiés sur le site Web public.

Dates principales de l'étude

Début de l'étude

1 juin 2013

Achèvement primaire (Réel)

1 décembre 2013

Achèvement de l'étude (Réel)

1 mars 2014

Dates d'inscription aux études

Première soumission

25 février 2013

Première soumission répondant aux critères de contrôle qualité

4 août 2013

Première publication (Estimation)

6 août 2013

Mises à jour des dossiers d'étude

Dernière mise à jour publiée (Estimation)

23 avril 2014

Dernière mise à jour soumise répondant aux critères de contrôle qualité

22 avril 2014

Dernière vérification

1 avril 2014

Plus d'information

Ces informations ont été extraites directement du site Web clinicaltrials.gov sans aucune modification. Si vous avez des demandes de modification, de suppression ou de mise à jour des détails de votre étude, veuillez contacter register@clinicaltrials.gov. Dès qu'un changement est mis en œuvre sur clinicaltrials.gov, il sera également mis à jour automatiquement sur notre site Web .

Essais cliniques sur Seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip®)
