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A Study of Lasmiditan on Simulated Driving Performance in Healthy Participants

2019. december 27. frissítette: Eli Lilly and Company

A Phase I, Randomized, Subject- and Investigator-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, 4-Period Cross-Over Study Assessing the Duration of Effect of Lasmiditan on Simulated Driving Performance in Healthy Volunteers

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of lasmiditan on simulated driving performance in healthy participants. Participants are expected to complete each of four study periods, which will last a total of about 10 days. During this time, participants will remain in the clinical research unit. Screening must be completed within 28 days before the start of the study. Follow-up will be completed about one week after discharge.

A tanulmány áttekintése




Tanulmány típusa


Beiratkozás (Tényleges)



  • 1. fázis

Kapcsolatok és helyek

Ez a rész a vizsgálatot végzők elérhetőségeit, valamint a vizsgálat lefolytatásának helyére vonatkozó információkat tartalmazza.

Tanulmányi helyek

    • Florida
      • Daytona Beach, Florida, Egyesült Államok, 32117
        • Covance Clinical Research Inc
    • Texas
      • Dallas, Texas, Egyesült Államok, 75247-4989
        • Covance
    • Wisconsin
      • Madison, Wisconsin, Egyesült Államok, 53704
        • Covance Clinical Research Inc

Részvételi kritériumok

A kutatók olyan embereket keresnek, akik megfelelnek egy bizonyos leírásnak, az úgynevezett jogosultsági kritériumoknak. Néhány példa ezekre a kritériumokra a személy általános egészségi állapota vagy a korábbi kezelések.

Jogosultsági kritériumok

Tanulmányozható életkorok

21 év (Felnőtt)

Egészséges önkénteseket fogad


Tanulmányozható nemek



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Are overtly healthy males or females, as determined through medical history and physical examination.
  • Possess a valid driver's license and is an active driver at screening. Driven a minimum of 8,000 miles (about 13,000 kilometers) per year for the preceding 3 years.
  • Have a score of <10 on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Have a history within 3 months of admission, or current treatment for, a sleeping disorder (including excessive snoring, obstructive sleep apnea), or a chronic painful condition that interferes with the subject's sleep.
  • Have a history of difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep in the previous 3 months of admission that is considered clinically significant by the investigator.
  • Are expected to use any other medication or dietary supplement to promote sleep including over the-counter sleep medications, during their participation in the study.
  • Have traveled across 2 or more time zones (transmeridian travel) in the past 2 weeks prior to randomization.
  • Have worked in a night shift in the past 2 weeks prior to randomization.
  • Show a history of central nervous system (CNS) conditions such as strokes, transient ischemic attacks, significant head trauma, seizures, CNS infections, migraine, brain surgery, or any other neurological conditions that, in the opinion of the investigator, increase the risk of participating in the study.
  • Show evidence of significant active neuropsychiatric disease (e.g., manic depressive illness, schizophrenia, depression) considered as clinically significant by the investigator.

Tanulási terv

Ez a rész a vizsgálati terv részleteit tartalmazza, beleértve a vizsgálat megtervezését és a vizsgálat mérését.

Hogyan készül a tanulmány?

Tervezési részletek

  • Elsődleges cél: Alapvető tudomány
  • Kiosztás: Véletlenszerűsített
  • Beavatkozó modell: Crossover kiosztás
  • Maszkolás: Kettős

Fegyverek és beavatkozások

Résztvevő csoport / kar
Beavatkozás / kezelés
Placebo Comparator: Placebo
Placebo orálisan adva a négy vizsgálati időszak egyikében.
Orálisan beadva
Kísérleti: 100 milligrams (mg) Lasmiditan
100 mg lasmiditan administered orally in one of four study periods.
Orálisan beadva
Más nevek:
  • LY573144
Kísérleti: 200 mg Lasmiditan
200 mg lasmiditan administered orally in one of four study periods.
Orálisan beadva
Más nevek:
  • LY573144
Aktív összehasonlító: Diphenhydramine
50 mg diphenhydramine administered orally in one of four study periods.
Administered orally

Mit mér a tanulmány?

Elsődleges eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Simulated Driving Performance in Healthy Participants as Measured by Standard Deviation of Lateral Position (SDLP) Using the Cognitive Research Corporation Driving Simulator-MiniSim (CRCDS-MiniSim)
Időkeret: 8 hours postdose in each dosing period

The standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) is the primary parameter used as stable measure of driving performance with high test-retest reliability. It measures the driver's ability to stay in a constant position within the driving lane.

LS Means were analyzed using a mixed repeated measures model with fixed effects for sequence, period, and treatment, with repeated observations for subjects for each of the driving time points.

8 hours postdose in each dosing period
Simulated Driving Performance in Healthy Participants as Measured by Standard Deviation of Lateral Position (SDLP) Using the Cognitive Research Corporation Driving Simulator-MiniSim (CRCDS-MiniSim)
Időkeret: 12 hours postdose in each dose period

The standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) is the primary parameter used as stable measure of driving performance with high test-retest reliability. It measures the driver's ability to stay in a constant position within the driving lane.

LS Means were analyzed using a mixed repeated measures model with fixed effects for sequence, period, and treatment, with repeated observations for subjects for each of the driving time points.

12 hours postdose in each dose period
Simulated Driving Performance in Healthy Participants as Measured by Standard Deviation of Lateral Position (SDLP) Using the Cognitive Research Corporation Driving Simulator-MiniSim (CRCDS-MiniSim)
Időkeret: 24 hours post dose in each dose period

The standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) is the primary parameter used as stable measure of driving performance with high test-retest reliability. It measures the driver's ability to stay in a constant position within the driving lane.

LS Means were analyzed using a mixed repeated measures model with fixed effects for sequence, period, and treatment, with repeated observations for subjects for each of the driving time points.

24 hours post dose in each dose period

Másodlagos eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) Score
Időkeret: 8 hours postdose in each dose period
The KSS is used to assess subjective level of sleepiness. This is a participant self-report measure of situational sleepiness and provides an assessment of alertness/sleepiness at a particular point in time. It is a 9-point categorical Likert scale on which the participant rates sleepiness from 1 (very alert) to 9 (very sleepy/fighting sleep), with higher scores indicating more sleepiness and lower scores indicating more alertness.
8 hours postdose in each dose period
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) Score
Időkeret: 12 hours postdose in each dose period
The KSS is used to assess subjective level of sleepiness. This is a participant self-report measure of situational sleepiness and provides an assessment of alertness/sleepiness at a particular point in time. It is a 9-point categorical Likert scale on which the participant rates sleepiness from 1 (very alert) to 9 (very sleepy/fighting sleep), with higher scores indicating more sleepiness and lower scores indicating more alertness.
12 hours postdose in each dose period
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) Score
Időkeret: 24 hours postdose in each dose period
The KSS is used to assess subjective level of sleepiness. This is a participant self-report measure of situational sleepiness and provides an assessment of alertness/sleepiness at a particular point in time. It is a 9-point categorical Likert scale on which the participant rates sleepiness from 1 (very alert) to 9 (very sleepy/fighting sleep), with higher scores indicating more sleepiness and lower scores indicating more alertness.
24 hours postdose in each dose period
Number of Correct Responses in Driving Performance Using CogScreen Symbol Digit Coding (SDC) Test
Időkeret: 8 hours postdose in each dose period
The SDC Test, a digit symbol substitution test that is sensitive to changes in information processing speed, provides measures of response speed and accuracy. The test was administered prior to the simulated driving sessions. The principal test score measures the number of correct responses in 120 seconds. SDC was used in this study to measure attention, visual scanning, working memory, and speed of information processing. A measure of recall accuracy A higher score indicates greater processing speed
8 hours postdose in each dose period
Number of Correct Responses in Driving Performance Using CogScreen Symbol Digit Coding (SDC) Test
Időkeret: 12 hours postdose in each dose period
The SDC Test, a digit symbol substitution test that is sensitive to changes in information processing speed, provides measures of response speed and accuracy. The test was administered prior to the simulated driving sessions. The principal test score measures the number of correct responses in 120 seconds. SDC was used in this study to measure attention, visual scanning, working memory, and speed of information processing. Scores range from 0 (No correct responses). A higher score indicates greater processing speed.
12 hours postdose in each dose period
Number of Correct Responses in Driving Performance Using CogScreen Symbol Digit Coding (SDC) Test
Időkeret: 24 hours postdose in each dose period
The SDC Test, a digit symbol substitution test that is sensitive to changes in information processing speed, provides measures of response speed and accuracy. The test was administered prior to the simulated driving sessions. The principal test score measures the number of correct responses in 120 seconds. SDC was used in this study to measure attention, visual scanning, working memory, and speed of information processing. Scores range from 0 (No correct responses). A higher score indicates greater processing speed.
24 hours postdose in each dose period
Total Number of Collisions
Időkeret: 8 hours postdose in each dose period
Total collisions are the sum off collisions with other vehicles and off-road crashes. Collision counts also included the number of times that a lane deviation exceeded 4 feet but where no collision occurred ( a crash-likely event).
8 hours postdose in each dose period
Total Number of Collisions
Időkeret: 12 hours postdose in each dose period
Total collisions are the sum off collisions with other vehicles and off-road crashes. Collision counts also included the number of times that a lane deviation exceeded 4 feet but where no collision occurred ( a crash-likely event).
12 hours postdose in each dose period
Total Number of Collisions
Időkeret: 24 hours postdose in each dose period
Total collisions are the sum off collisions with other vehicles and off-road crashes. Collision counts also included the number of times that a lane deviation exceeded 4 feet but where no collision occurred ( a crash-likely event).
24 hours postdose in each dose period
Pharmacokinetics (PK): Maximum Observed Drug Concentration (Cmax) of Lasmiditan
Időkeret: Day 1: Predose, 0.5 hour (hr), 1hr, 1.5hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr, 6hr, 8hr, 10 hr, 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr postdose
PK: Cmax of Lasmiditan
Day 1: Predose, 0.5 hour (hr), 1hr, 1.5hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr, 6hr, 8hr, 10 hr, 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr postdose
PK: Area Under the Concentration Versus Time Curve (AUC) of Lasmiditan to the Last Timepoint (0-tlast)
Időkeret: Day 1: Predose, 0.5 hour (hr), 1hr, 1.5hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr, 6hr, 8hr, 10 hr, 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr postdose
PK: AUC of Lasmiditan until the last time a concentration is detected.
Day 1: Predose, 0.5 hour (hr), 1hr, 1.5hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr, 6hr, 8hr, 10 hr, 12hr, 24hr, 36hr, 48hr postdose

Együttműködők és nyomozók

Itt találhatja meg a tanulmányban érintett személyeket és szervezeteket.

Tanulmányi rekorddátumok

Ezek a dátumok nyomon követik a ClinicalTrials.gov webhelyre benyújtott vizsgálati rekordok és összefoglaló eredmények benyújtásának folyamatát. A vizsgálati feljegyzéseket és a jelentett eredményeket a Nemzeti Orvostudományi Könyvtár (NLM) felülvizsgálja, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy megfelelnek-e az adott minőség-ellenőrzési szabványoknak, mielőtt közzéteszik őket a nyilvános weboldalon.

Tanulmány főbb dátumok

Tanulmány kezdete (Tényleges)

2018. március 26.

Elsődleges befejezés (Tényleges)

2018. június 23.

A tanulmány befejezése (Tényleges)

2018. június 23.

Tanulmányi regisztráció dátumai

Először benyújtva

2018. március 2.

Először nyújtották be, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2018. március 7.

Első közzététel (Tényleges)

2018. március 9.

Tanulmányi rekordok frissítései

Utolsó frissítés közzétéve (Tényleges)

2020. január 13.

Az utolsó frissítés elküldve, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2019. december 27.

Utolsó ellenőrzés

2019. december 1.

Több információ

A tanulmányhoz kapcsolódó kifejezések

Terv az egyéni résztvevői adatokhoz (IPD)

Tervezi megosztani az egyéni résztvevői adatokat (IPD)?


IPD terv leírása

Anonymized individual patient level data will be provided in a secure access environment upon approval of a research proposal and a signed data sharing agreement.

IPD megosztási időkeret

Data are available 6 months after the primary publication and approval of the indication studied in the US and EU, whichever is later. Data will be indefinitely available for requesting.

IPD-megosztási hozzáférési feltételek

A research proposal must be approved by an independent review panel and researchers must sign a data sharing agreement.

Az IPD megosztását támogató információ típusa

  • NEDV
  • CSR

Gyógyszer- és eszközinformációk, tanulmányi dokumentumok

Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott gyógyszerkészítményt tanulmányoz


Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott eszközterméket tanulmányoz


Ezt az információt közvetlenül a clinicaltrials.gov webhelyről szereztük be, változtatás nélkül. Ha bármilyen kérése van vizsgálati adatainak módosítására, eltávolítására vagy frissítésére, kérjük, írjon a következő címre: register@clinicaltrials.gov. Amint a változás bevezetésre kerül a clinicaltrials.gov oldalon, ez a webhelyünkön is automatikusan frissül. .

Klinikai vizsgálatok a Egészséges

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