Internet treatment for social anxiety disorder in Romania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Bogdan Tudor Tulbure, Kristoffer N T Månsson, Gerhard Andersson, Bogdan Tudor Tulbure, Kristoffer N T Månsson, Gerhard Andersson


Background: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders and is associated with marked impairments. However, a small proportion of individuals with SAD seek and receive treatment. Internet-administrated cognitive behavior therapy (iCBT) has been found to be an effective treatment for SAD. This trial will be the first Internet-delivered guided self-help intervention for SAD in Romania.

Methods: Participants with social anxiety disorder (N = 96) will be recruited via newspapers, online banners and Facebook. Participants will be randomized to either: a) an active treatment, or b) a waiting list control group.The treatment will have a guided iCBT format and will last for nine weeks. Self-report questionnaires on social phobia, anxiety, depression, treatment credibility and irrational thinking will be used. All assessments will be collected pre, post and at follow-up (six months after intervention). Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale - Self-Report version (LSAS-SR) will be the primary outcome measure and will be administrated on a weekly basis in both conditions.

Discussion: The present randomized controlled trial investigates the efficacy of an Internet-administered intervention in reducing social anxiety symptoms in a culture where this form of treatment has not been tested. This trial will add to the body of knowledge on the efficacy of iCBT, and the results might lead to an increase of the accessibility of evidence-based psychological treatment in Romania.

Trial registration: NCT01557894.


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