Erythropoietin, a novel versatile player regulating energy metabolism beyond the erythroid system

Li Wang, Lijun Di, Constance Tom Noguchi, Li Wang, Lijun Di, Constance Tom Noguchi


Erythropoietin (EPO), the required cytokine for promoting the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid cells to stimulate erythropoiesis, has been reported to act as a pleiotropic cytokine beyond hematopoietic system. The various activities of EPO are determined by the widespread distribution of its cell surface EPO receptor (EpoR) in multiple tissues including endothelial, neural, myoblasts, adipocytes and other cell types. EPO activity has been linked to angiogenesis, neuroprotection, cardioprotection, stress protection, anti-inflammation and especially the energy metabolism regulation that is recently revealed. The investigations of EPO activity in animals and the expression analysis of EpoR provide more insights on the potential of EPO in regulating energy metabolism and homeostasis. The findings of crosstalk between EPO and some important energy sensors and the regulation of EPO in the cellular respiration and mitochondrial function further provide molecular mechanisms for EPO activity in metabolic activity regulation. In this review, we will summarize the roles of EPO in energy metabolism regulation and the activity of EPO in tissues that are tightly associated with energy metabolism. We will also discuss the effects of EPO in regulating oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial function, the interactions between EPO and important energy regulation factors, and the protective role of EPO from stresses that are related to metabolism, providing a brief overview of previously less appreciated EPO biological function in energy metabolism and homeostasis.

Keywords: Erythropoietin; erythroid system; pleiotropic cytokine.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.


Figure 1
Figure 1
The pleiotropic activity of EPO in multiple tissues beyond hematopoietic tissues. EpoR expression was detected on erythroid cells, adipocytes, immune system cells such as macrophages, pancreatic beta cells, skeletal muscle myoblasts, neural cells, hypothalamus neurons and endothelial cells. The primary function of the EPO/EpoR system is to stimulate erythroid progenitor cell proliferation, survival and differentiation to provide adequate red blood cells. The well documented non hematopoietic effect of EPO is cytoprotection including cardioprotection and neuroprotection, which are also contributed by the EPO activity in endothelial cells such as angiogenesis. The newly revealed biological activity of EPO includes prevention from obesity and metabolic disorders and improvement of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. These effects are contributed by EPO promoted energy metabolism in adipocytes, anti-inflammation in macrophages, antiapoptosis in pancreatic beta cells, and the central control of energy intake in hypothalamus neurons.
Figure 2
Figure 2
The crosstalk between EPO and important energy sensors. EPO regulated AMPK activity is involved in adipocyte energy metabolism, angiogenesis, cardioprotection and skeletal muscle fiber type specification. EPO production can be regulated by Sirt1 via HIF-2 under hypoxia condition. On the other hand, EPO modulates NAD+/NADH level and ratio to regulate Sirt1 activity, which contributes to energy metabolism in adipocytes, inhibition of skeletal muscle differentiation, and brain protection from injury and mitochondrial function. EPO regulated AMPK activity may regulate Sirt1 activity via modulating NAD+/NADH ratio. As the downstream target of Sirt1and AMPK, PGC-1α may also be directly regulated by EPO or via regulating Sirt1 and AMPK activity to promote adipocyte oxidative metabolism, cardioprotection, brain protection, mitochondrial biogenesis and function and muscle fiber type specification.


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Source: PubMed

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