Bone and energy metabolism parameters in professional cyclists during the Giro d'Italia 3-weeks stage race

Giovanni Lombardi, Patrizia Lanteri, Rosa Graziani, Alessandra Colombini, Giuseppe Banfi, Roberto Corsetti, Giovanni Lombardi, Patrizia Lanteri, Rosa Graziani, Alessandra Colombini, Giuseppe Banfi, Roberto Corsetti


Cycling is a not weight-bearing activity and is known to induce bone resorption. Stage races are really strenuous endurance performances affecting the energy homeostasis. The recently highlighted link, in the co-regulation of bone and energy metabolism, demonstrates a central role for the equilibrium between carboxylated and undercarboxylated forms of osteocalcin. Aim of this study was to understand the acute physiological responses to a cycling stage race in terms of bone turnover and energy metabolism and the possible co-regulative mechanisms underlying their relationship. We studied nine professional cyclists engaged in 2011 Giro d'Italia stage race. Pre-analytical and analytical phases tightly followed academic and anti-doping authority's recommendations. Bone and energy metabolism markers (bone alkaline phosphatase, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b, total and undercarboxylated osteocalcin, leptin and adiponectin) and related hormones (cortisol and testosterone) were measured, by Sandwich Enzyme Immunoassays, at days -1 (pre-race), 12 and 22 during the race. The power output and the energy expenditure (mean and accumulated) were derived and correlated with the biochemical indexes. During the race, bone metabolism showed that an unbalance in behalf of resorption, which is enhanced, occurred along with a relative increase in the concentration of the undercarboxylated form of osteocalcin that was indirectly related to the enhanced energy expenditure, through adipokines modifications, with leptin decrease (high energy consumption) and adiponectin increase (optimization of energy expenditure). The exertion due to heavy effort induced a decrease of cortisol, while testosterone levels resulted unchanged. In conclusion, during a 3-weeks stage race, bone metabolism is pushed towards resorption. A possible relationship between the bone and the energy metabolisms is suggested by the relative correlations among absolute and relative concentrations trends of undercarboxylated OC, adipokines concentrations, BMI, fat mass (%), power output and the derived energy expenditure.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1. Modification of serum bone markers…
Figure 1. Modification of serum bone markers activity over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum BAP (panel A) and serum TRAP5b (panel B) over the stage race. ** indicates a significant variation (p

Figure 2. Modification of plasma osteocalcin levels…

Figure 2. Modification of plasma osteocalcin levels and relative concentration of Glu-OC over the race.

Figure 2. Modification of plasma osteocalcin levels and relative concentration of Glu-OC over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of plasma total OC (panel A), plasma Glu-OC (panel B) and relative percentage concentration of Glu-OC (panel C) over the stage race. ** and * indicate significant variations (p

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over…

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over the race.

The Figure shows the trends of…

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum adiponectin (panel A) and serum leptin (panel B) over the stage race. ***, ** and * indicate significant variations (p

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.

The Figure shows the…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum cortisol (panel A) and serum testosterone (panel B) over the stage race. ** indicates a significant variation (p
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    1. Foster C, Hoyos J, Earnest C, Lucia A (2005) Regulation of energy expenditure during prolonged athletic competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37: 670–675. - PubMed
    1. Lucia A, Diaz B, Hoyos J, Fernandez C, Villa G, et al. (2001) Hormone levels of world class cyclists during the Tour of Spain stage race. Br J Sports Med 35: 424–430. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Saris WH, van Erp-Baart MA, Brouns F, Westerterp KR, ten Hoor F (1989) Study on food intake and energy expenditure during extreme sustained exercise: the Tour de France. Int J Sports Med 10 Suppl 1S26–31. - PubMed
    1. Padilla S, Mujika I, Santisteban J, Impellizzeri FM, Goiriena JJ (2008) Exercise intensity and load during uphill cycling in professional 3-week races. Eur J Appl Physiol 102: 431–438. - PubMed
    1. Ihle R, Loucks AB (2004) Dose-response relationships between energy availability and bone turnover in young exercising women. J Bone Miner Res 19: 1231–1240. - PubMed
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This work was funded by the Italian Ministry of Health. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 2. Modification of plasma osteocalcin levels…
Figure 2. Modification of plasma osteocalcin levels and relative concentration of Glu-OC over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of plasma total OC (panel A), plasma Glu-OC (panel B) and relative percentage concentration of Glu-OC (panel C) over the stage race. ** and * indicate significant variations (p

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over…

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over the race.

The Figure shows the trends of…

Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum adiponectin (panel A) and serum leptin (panel B) over the stage race. ***, ** and * indicate significant variations (p

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.

The Figure shows the…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum cortisol (panel A) and serum testosterone (panel B) over the stage race. ** indicates a significant variation (p
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    1. Foster C, Hoyos J, Earnest C, Lucia A (2005) Regulation of energy expenditure during prolonged athletic competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37: 670–675. - PubMed
    1. Lucia A, Diaz B, Hoyos J, Fernandez C, Villa G, et al. (2001) Hormone levels of world class cyclists during the Tour of Spain stage race. Br J Sports Med 35: 424–430. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Saris WH, van Erp-Baart MA, Brouns F, Westerterp KR, ten Hoor F (1989) Study on food intake and energy expenditure during extreme sustained exercise: the Tour de France. Int J Sports Med 10 Suppl 1S26–31. - PubMed
    1. Padilla S, Mujika I, Santisteban J, Impellizzeri FM, Goiriena JJ (2008) Exercise intensity and load during uphill cycling in professional 3-week races. Eur J Appl Physiol 102: 431–438. - PubMed
    1. Ihle R, Loucks AB (2004) Dose-response relationships between energy availability and bone turnover in young exercising women. J Bone Miner Res 19: 1231–1240. - PubMed
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This work was funded by the Italian Ministry of Health. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over…
Figure 3. Modification of adipokines levels over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum adiponectin (panel A) and serum leptin (panel B) over the stage race. ***, ** and * indicate significant variations (p

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.

The Figure shows the…

Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum cortisol (panel A) and serum testosterone (panel B) over the stage race. ** indicates a significant variation (p
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    1. Foster C, Hoyos J, Earnest C, Lucia A (2005) Regulation of energy expenditure during prolonged athletic competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37: 670–675. - PubMed
    1. Lucia A, Diaz B, Hoyos J, Fernandez C, Villa G, et al. (2001) Hormone levels of world class cyclists during the Tour of Spain stage race. Br J Sports Med 35: 424–430. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Saris WH, van Erp-Baart MA, Brouns F, Westerterp KR, ten Hoor F (1989) Study on food intake and energy expenditure during extreme sustained exercise: the Tour de France. Int J Sports Med 10 Suppl 1S26–31. - PubMed
    1. Padilla S, Mujika I, Santisteban J, Impellizzeri FM, Goiriena JJ (2008) Exercise intensity and load during uphill cycling in professional 3-week races. Eur J Appl Physiol 102: 431–438. - PubMed
    1. Ihle R, Loucks AB (2004) Dose-response relationships between energy availability and bone turnover in young exercising women. J Bone Miner Res 19: 1231–1240. - PubMed
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Grant support
This work was funded by the Italian Ministry of Health. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone…
Figure 4. Modification of cortisol and testosterone concentrations over the race.
The Figure shows the trends of serum cortisol (panel A) and serum testosterone (panel B) over the stage race. ** indicates a significant variation (p


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