Maternal, Infant Characteristics, Breastfeeding Techniques, and Initiation: Structural Equation Modeling Approaches

Ying Lau, Tha Pyai Htun, Peng Im Lim, Sarah Ho-Lim, Piyanee Klainin-Yobas, Ying Lau, Tha Pyai Htun, Peng Im Lim, Sarah Ho-Lim, Piyanee Klainin-Yobas


Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among maternal and infant characteristics, breastfeeding techniques, and exclusive breastfeeding initiation in different modes of birth using structural equation modeling approaches.

Methods: We examined a hypothetical model based on integrating concepts of a breastfeeding decision-making model, a breastfeeding initiation model, and a social cognitive theory among 952 mother-infant dyads. The LATCH breastfeeding assessment tool was used to evaluate breastfeeding techniques and two infant feeding categories were used (exclusive and non-exclusive breastfeeding).

Results: Structural equation models (SEM) showed that multiparity was significantly positively associated with breastfeeding techniques and the jaundice of an infant was significantly negatively related to exclusive breastfeeding initiation. A multigroup analysis in the SEM showed no difference between the caesarean section and vaginal delivery groups estimates of breastfeeding techniques on exclusive breastfeeding initiation. Breastfeeding techniques were significantly positively associated with exclusive breastfeeding initiation in the entire sample and in the vaginal deliveries group. However, breastfeeding techniques were not significantly associated with exclusive breastfeeding initiation in the cesarean section group. Maternal age, maternal race, gestations, birth weight of infant, and postnatal complications had no significant impacts on breastfeeding techniques or exclusive breastfeeding initiation in our study. Overall, the models fitted the data satisfactorily (GFI = 0.979-0.987; AGFI = 0.951-0.962; IFI = 0.958-0.962; CFI = 0.955-0.960, and RMSEA = 0.029-0.034).

Conclusions: Multiparity and jaundice of an infant were found to affect breastfeeding technique and exclusive breastfeeding initiation respectively. Breastfeeding technique was related to exclusive breastfeeding initiation according to the mode of birth. This relationship implies the importance of early effective interventions among first-time mothers with jaundice infants in improving breastfeeding techniques and promoting exclusive breastfeeding initiation.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. A hypothetical model.
Fig 1. A hypothetical model.
Fig 2. SEM model among entire population…
Fig 2. SEM model among entire population (n = 952).
Fig 3. Multigroup analysis in the SEM…
Fig 3. Multigroup analysis in the SEM among caesarean section group (n = 253).
Fig 4. Multigroup analysis in the SEM…
Fig 4. Multigroup analysis in the SEM among vaginal delivery group (n = 699).


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