'Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare (TEACHH)': protocol of community-based intervention development and a non-randomised multisite pilot study with pre-post test design in Canada

Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, Carmen H Logie, Yasmeen Persad, Gabrielle Leblanc, Kelendria Nation, Hannah Kia, Ayden I Scheim, Tara Lyons, Mona Loutfy, Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, Carmen H Logie, Yasmeen Persad, Gabrielle Leblanc, Kelendria Nation, Hannah Kia, Ayden I Scheim, Tara Lyons, Mona Loutfy


Introduction: Educational workshops are a promising strategy to increase healthcare providers' ability to provide gender-affirming care for transgender (trans) people. This strategy may also reduce healthcare providers' stigma towards trans people and people living with HIV. There is less evidence, however, of educational workshops that address HIV prevention and care among trans women. This protocol details development and pilot testing of the Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare intervention that aims to increase gender-affirming HIV care knowledge and perceived competency, and to reduce negative attitudes/biases, among providers.

Methods and analysis: This community-based research (CBR) project involves intervention development and implementation of a non-randomised multisite pilot study with pre-post test design. First, we conducted a qualitative formative phase involving focus groups with 30 trans women and individual interviews with 12 providers to understand HIV care access barriers for trans women and elicit feedback on a proposed workshop. Second, we will pilot test the intervention with 90-150 providers (n=30-50×3 in-person settings). For pilot studies, primary outcomes include feasibility (eg, completion rate) and acceptability (eg, workshop satisfaction). Secondary preintervention and postintervention outcomes, assessed directly preceding and following the workshop, include perceived competency, attitudes/biases towards trans women with HIV, and knowledge needed to provide gender-affirming HIV care. Primary outcomes will be summarised as frequencies and proportions (categorical variables). We will conduct paired-sample t-tests to explore the direction of preintervention and postintervention differences for secondary outcomes.

Ethics and dissemination: This study has been approved by the University of Toronto HIV Research Ethics Board (Protocol Number: 00036238). Study findings will be disseminated through community forums with trans women and service providers; manuscripts submitted to peer reviewed journals; and conferences. Findings will inform a larger CBR research agenda to remove barriers to engagement in HIV prevention/care among trans women across Canada.

Trial registration number: NCT04096053; Pre-results.

Keywords: HIV & AIDS; education & training (see medical education & training); quality in health care.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


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Source: PubMed

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